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I'm a quality vs quantity guy ... and I really haven't wasted any of the last 40 years (counting past my first surgery). So to me a few more months of pain / hospitals / rehab / being sick and struggling to be 'nice' for visitors .. its not a trade off for living my life well and fully right now. I may not have much money to my name but I've been wealthy for most of my life (if that makes sense). So if one has fobbed off your best years and suddenly are faced with 6 more months ... perhaps you've already lost it.

but as Debby put forward these people are a kind of pioneering testground for all the advances which brought me my ATS valve (well, and my homograft, although I was probably one of the early testers of cryo-preserved tissue typed valves).

I guess my point is this: figure out whats important and don't waste it.
i have had a good life in the whole, made many good decisions and a few bad, my family is my life and to have the chance to stay with them for a few more years is a no brainer, plus who knows it might not be all pain hospitals etc, on top of all that its progress without which most of us wouldnt be here to enjoy our familys and friends, the good thing is you could always turn it down if it wasnt for you,