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For 2008, I have a calendar that features Dale Klee's work. He has some great artwork, including:

You can see more at:

Anyone else familiar with Dale's work? Or, have another artist that does some of your favorite work?

Cort:34swm."Mr Monte Carlo.Mr Road Trip".pig valve&pacemaker*SATURDAY.january26*2p-5p.and.8p-11p.CENTRAL
"It's a freedom that we all want to know" ... Restless Heart ... 'Wheels'
As a fine arts major in college, I can say I like his work. It's very interesting and kind of off beat. I can see why you like it!

I certainly do like it, Nancy.

I didn't know you were a fine arts major in college. What was your study focus?

Cort:34swm."Mr Monte Carlo.Mr Road Trip".pig valve&pacemaker*SATURDAY.january26*2p-5p.and.8p-11p.CENTRAL
"Don't let the sound of your own wheels drive you crazy" ... Eagles ... 'Take It Easy'
My main focus was Commercial Interior Design. I did things like corporate design, restaurant design, banks, hospitals, professional offices, etc. Also did my share of those cubicle designs (ala Dilbert). I worked for several office furniture dealerships and then started my own design firm. I did mainly computer aided design with my own business. I am retired now.

My first love though is drawing and painting. Some day I hope to get back to it.
I love art and have done my share of dabbling in sketching, acrylics and oils but all of mine are askew in content. I have no formal training so guess that might have helped me. Always, from grade school, I love art. I have an artist friend who is a wonderful painter, teacher and has had shows and sales into the thousands. He is colorblind!

Klee is really good. He must be from the south because I recognize all those buildings. Have ridden in some of those little cars with the rumble seat. such fun. Wonder where the pickups are??
Nancy said:
My main focus was Commercial Interior Design. I did things like corporate design, restaurant design, banks, hospitals, professional offices, etc. Also did my share of those cubicle designs (ala Dilbert). I worked for several office furniture dealerships and then started my own design firm. I did mainly computer aided design with my own business. I am retired now.

My first love though is drawing and painting. Some day I hope to get back to it.

I hope, too, you get back to it, sooner rather than later, Nancy. Sounds like you have a real passion for design.

I've actually always been interested in design ... just never thought of it as a career much. Tho, who knows...might not be a bad idea.


*chuckles slightly*

Is it bad or OK to say that, given your design experience (especially with your own firm), that reminds me a bit of Julia Sugarbaker from one of my favorite sitcoms, "Designing Women"? ;)

hensylee said:
Wonder where the pickups are??

I was wonderin' the same thing, actually........hmmm.... He he...some others have suggested he needs to do Monte Carlos, too ;).

Cort:34swm."Mr Monte Carlo.Mr Road Trip".pig valve&pacemaker
WRMNshowcase.legos.HO.models.MCs.RTs.CHD =
"Relight the flame when it's cold"...Godsmack...'Serenity'
"Julia Sugarbaker from one of my favorite sitcoms, "Designing Women"?"

I think what she did was more along the lines of decoration. It was a cute show, though.

I never got into the frou frou lamp shade kind of thing.

I loved Designing Women, though I didn't watch it from the beginning. I think I actually started watching the season that Alison Sugarbaker joined after the depature of Suzanne. Then, at college, the CBS affiliate in Fort Wayne did reruns of the original cast/show before the primetime shows started Monday-Friday ;).

And, I think you're was more decorating for her, I believe.

Cort:34swm."Mr Monte Carlo.Mr Road Trip".pig valve&pacemaker
WRMNshowcase.legos.HO.models.MCs.RTs.CHD =
"I think it's about time you should know" ... Trick Pony ... 'Just What I Do'
Living and breathing design

Living and breathing design

Recently returned to classes. Taking courses in interior redesign and home staging. Just started my biz. Doing very well. Really, not enough hours in the day!

In short, love art Cort. Maybe we should consider meeting downtown (I know you don't like it) BUT, we could make a nice day of it visiting the Art Institute! Think about it! We have so much culture in our city...and it's rarley visited by the locals!
Love the way Mr. Klee

Love the way Mr. Klee

uses color! I love color in paintings - Georgia O'Keefe and Van Gogh are 2 of my favorite artists. Our neighbor is a fantastic artist and she uses subtle, but vibrant colors in her oil paintings.

I have dabbled in painting over the years - but haven't dabbled in a good long while. :( My Mom and now my husband were/are my biggest fans.

Gina - staging and interior design, huh? Sounds like fun - how much schooling did you have to go through? Glad to hear that your business is already doing so well! We have been looking at houses recently and I love to look at the houses if only to see the interior decorating! :) Know many homes for sale are staged these days.

Christina L
Christina -

Will try to keep this short and sweet:p

Staging course was short term. My redesign education in ongoing. Started in the fall. Trying to decide how far (IF I will have time to take it).:) Many moons since I finished with my college education. Don't plan to start over at this point in the game. All of my other relevant experience came from my many moves, assisting friends, family with redesign and landscape planning. Light bulb went on....figured I would make a career out of it! Love what I am doing. No longer chained to my desk. At least, not as much! Hope you are well! Keep visiting those model homes.
Gina -

Gina -

Well, good for you - you have found your passion. :) I bet you have a great eye for design.

I like houses period - thought of becoming a realtor when I was a realtors' assistant, but decided that with our adoption coming up, I didn't want a job that would take too much of my time. So, I guess I will be a medical transcriptionist working out of the home for a while. Boring!!!! :rolleyes:

We have been thinking of moving out of the mountains to be closer to Wayne's work and closer to a metropolis, i.e. Denver (which I personally would love) - so we have been looking at houses to buy - not a lot, but I just love seeing how people live and a lot of these homes (though not expensive houses) are so beautifully furnished and staged. One lady the other day had a pot roast going in her slow cooker - she's brilliant! I told Wayne I will remember that when we put this house on the market. lol

Thanks Gina and good luck, again, with your new business!

Christina L
Sounds wonderful Christina! Sometimes a move it just what the Dr. ordered:) Hope the adoption process is moving along for you. Major advantage to be closer to Denver for healthcare, networking with others with childern, groups, activites, etc. You will make new friends fast! Don't know what I would have done..or would do now without our strong parent network. When you don't have family near.....or they are unable to help. Your network is key!

We have good friends in Parker. From Chicago. Have lived out there for almost 10 years. They love it. Great family area. Looked nice to me. Homes are still reasonable. Could be even more so these days! She is actually an interior designer! If you have any questions about that area...I am sure she would help you out! Just check out schools before you purchase! Critical for your family and future resale!
LUVMyBirman said:
In short, love art Cort. Maybe we should consider meeting downtown (I know you don't like it) BUT, we could make a nice day of it visiting the Art Institute! Think about it! We have so much culture in our city...and it's rarley visited by the locals!

Oh, I agree..... I just ... yeah, don't like downtown Chicago...he he.

BUT ... I think you're right ... we should try to meet up and go to the Art Institute sometime. I think I was there once...when I was a youngster.... But, of course, that was just 2 years ago ;). he he he he

And, glad more of you noticed this thread and enjoyed the links ;).

Cort:34swm."Mr Monte Carlo.Mr Road Trip".pig valve&pacemaker
WRMNshowcase.legos.HO.models.MCs.RTs.CHD =
"Time can't erase a feeling this strong" ... Mariah Carey ... 'Always Be My Baby'