Apprx 6 wks out, more steps backwards

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Well-known member
Jul 28, 2005
Hurricane, West Virginia
Whatever happened to boring? Apparently I totally jinxed myself. Went to pulmonary doctor today for 1 wk post-surgical procedure (lung tapping). My x-ray showed another large pleural effusion...same lung. I think the results of the first tapping last week lasted about 2-3 days. Have been extremely short of breath. Same old symptoms.
Anyway, how common is it to need another 'tapping' so soon after first one? My doctor doesn't seem to think this is related to my heart surgery. I think it is. He keeps mentioning lupus. I tested positive for external lupus several years ago but have no symptoms whatsoever and haven't for a long, long time. Have no symptoms (joint or otherwise) for internal lupus. Sorry I am going on and on. I'm just floored. He told me if the fluid returns a third time he'll have to do a lung biopsy...even though the lung fluid tested negative for cancer cells, infection, etc. I was put on prednisone today. Same dosage of lasix. Second tapping is scheduled Thursday morning.
Main question - anyone out there heard of the need for second and third tappings of lung post ohs? How worried should I be????????????????????????
Thanks once again. I hope one day soon to have good news.
My friend had to be tapped twice after coronary artery bypass surgery. The second time did it for her and she has been fine since. Hope you have the same results. Must be very uncomfortable for you.
Hi Debbie, yes I had to be tapped twice. The radiologist took about two leaders off each lung. It was right after my AVR. I just couldn't get rid of the fluid. The lungs kept filling up. The doc did tell me that if they would have had to do it for a third time he would put me back in the hospital and put a chest tube in and drain me that way. Thank goodness it cleared up! Between me and the doctor we did figure out that my chemo/cancer medicine for leukemia was causing the problem. It causes me to retain fluid really bad, so I went off it for about two months and everything cleared up. I'm sorry you are having so much problems. You will be in my prayers.
Geez, Debbi. This really is enough, okay?? Now just set your mind to twice to get it right and let's be done!! ;)

Seriously, though, I'm glad you're getting good action and advice at this point and I truly hope this is your last hurdle.

Good luck!

Sending prayers your way, Debbi that this is the final time and you can get on with an uneventful recovery.

So sorry you have had complications - we need to get you and Atlanta Pat to have more uneventful recoveries! You both have been in my thoughts and prayers and will continue to be. Take care, Cindy
Debbie, again, this sucks. You're sure going to appreciate feeling better when you actually feel better. :eek:

My father in law had to be tapped twice after an aneurism repair; and I know the taps occurred close together.

Hang in there; I'm sending sunny thoughts and prayers. Just keep looking ahead to the wonderful, healthy summer you'll have once these darn speed bumps disappear.
Thank ya'll once again. It helps to hear that maybe I'm not such a freak after all. I want to go back to feeling good...cause it was such a good feeling! How simply put! :D
Another thing, too, is I'm not dreading this second tapping nearly as much as the first. I have one ativan that is on board waiting for the right moment pre-op. Maybe I'll be playing tennis sometime this month after all.
Here's hoping twice is enough!!
You are in our thoughts and we know you will get past this. At least they know what is wrong and can fix it. The treatment is not pleasant but it sure beats feeling crummy and hearing those infamous words, "We can find nothing wrong". :mad: :eek: :mad:
Please take care and keep us posted.

I have no experience with this particular problem, but what others have said about a repeat procedure doing the trick should be encouraging. Keep your spirits up -- better days are surely ahead. Think about rooting for those Vols on a crisp fall afternoon!


What an enormous dissapointment. What is lung tapping? Is that the same as a thoracentisis? Where they put a little tube in through your back and drain fluid out of the lungs plural space? I only had this done once, thankfully. I am hoping things are resolved soon!
To Janea and Rob

To Janea and Rob

Yes, it's the same thing. It doesn't sound too pleasant, but the relief afterwards is like the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow, don't you think? Just hoping this pot of gold is 14k vs plated. Maybe the effect will be longer lasting. :D :D
Take care!

Rob - I swear if I have to have an oxygen tank strapped to my back and in a wheelchair I will see the VOLS this fall. There are several games that are must-sees for me. Marshall is playing UT again this fall. Last time they played - we (Marshall) just about beat UT. That was before my heart was torn between the two schools. We knew my son was accepted there but hadn't become big Vols fans. Now I'll be wearing Orange and Green sans oxygen tank hopefully.
awww Debbi....I too am keeping you in my thoughts and prayers....
I pray this fixes you and you can then get on with some serious healing

gentle hugs