Anyone have problems with potassium levels?

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I am taking 120mg of Lasix daily for CHF. Not a huge dose by any means. I have major problems keeping my potassium level in the normal range. I am now up to taking 100meq of Klor-Con (2, 10meq tabs, 5Xdaily) and my levels are still only 2.8 - 3.0. We tried going to 12 tabs a day but my stomach was not at all happy about that.

I eat my bananas, drink my OJ, etc.

Anyone else have issues and, if so, what are you doing? I have a lot of problems with muscle cramps and, as you know, the heart is a muscle so I would prefer that one not cramp.;):rolleyes::eek:
Sorry to hear that your potassium levels are out of "whack." I also have trouble finding that balance. I take 40mg furosemide along with 20MEG potassium daily for swelling in my ankles and feet. Last March, I was hospitalized for a dehydration because of a stomach virus. I never understood the importance of potassium for sustaining life until that episode. They were pumping me with fluids and potassium and I blew up like a balloon. Then, they started me on lasix and I got sicker and sicker. Finally, they transported me to a bigger hospital and discovered it all stemmed from a diseased gall-bladder...problem solved after 10 days of experimenting and the process of elimination! Later, a pharmacist friend told me that a person could die from too little potassium as well as too much. (Whether this is true or not, he said that was how Kevorkian (sp?) assisted suicides, by administering high levels of potassium). I'm glad that your doctors are closely monitoring your levels. I'm sure that this is a concern among many heart patients and I hope that your levels improve soon.
I had blood test yesterday as my cardio wants to increase one of my meds that tends to raise potassium and my levels are naturally very high. He can't raise my dosage until he sees where my potassium is.

I don't know what would be prescribed if my potassium is too high again.
Gina, I have a problem with potassium levels. It is in better balance since we lowered my lasix to 40mg a day and added Maxzide 75/50 in the morning and usually a half dose of the Maxzide at night. I still take 40 meq of Potassium each morning. The Maxzide has a potassium sparing component that helps keep my level in the normal range. If I'm out of range I'm right back into a-fib. I know you are a chronic a-fibber but it still might trigger other rhythm disturbances for you. I still get the cramping in my legs and hands even when in range. I'm not sure what causes that. Maybe another mineral deficiency?
Thanks guys. Betty - I will have to talk to my doctor about changing something since this is not working. I am waiting for another test to come back and then my foot is going down to come up with an alternative.
This is very interesting, although I can't suggest anything for you Gina.
My levels are good and I still get cramps in my legs but mostly in my toes...ouch X 10.
I'm struggling to hold 3.5. I'm taking 80meq of potassium a day, 80mg of lasix a day, 25mg of Aldactone a day, 2.5mg of Zaroxolyn, Diovan HCT. I'm eating my taters and banannas too.
I'm on 25 mg spironolactone, a potassium sparing diuretic 2x daily, plus
20 mg lasix and 10 meq potassium 2x daily. Maybe your doctor can swap some of the lasix for a potassium sparing diuretic??
Gina I could never get mine above the 3.1 mark until they added Spirolactone along with the Lasix. I take 160 mgsof Lasix per day and have maintained 3.8-4.0 on the potassium after adding the Spiro and now only need 4-5 20meq of potassium. It has maintained itself for almost 3 years with the addition and really did not notice a huge issues with more fluid loss. Hope something works since those low levels can really make the afib more pronounced
I just got my last test results and am at 3.3 so it is just slightly in the normal range but I'll take it.

Thanks for all the info - I will definitely talk to my doc about the Spirolactone.

I am not sure if there is a reason you should take 'Lasix' itself...there are newer dieuretics that do not deplete the body off its minerals. I cannot remember the brand name now, so I am not sure if it is Spirolactone.

Just my two cents thought.

Good luck:)
Aldactone/Sprionolactone is known to cause cancer in mice. Thought you'd like to know that tid bit of medical information. ;)

Did you ever feel like your in front of a firing squad?
My doc wants me to start Aldactone along with reducing my Lasix dose and watching my potassium.

Any info, pro or con, on Aldactone? Thanks in advance.
After reading your post, I went back to check the last complete blood test I had done in March. My potassium levels were at 4.2 & I take 20 meq tabs of potassium twice a day. I am on 160 mg of Furosemide (Lasix generic) a day.

Like you, I also try to supplement potassium by eating or drinking foods rich in potassium, i.e., bananas, yogurt, fruit juices.

Good luck with the new medication that dr wants to try on you.
:( Anyone want my extra potassium?

Sure enough, my bloodwork came back with potassium 4.9. My cardio really wants to increase my lisinopril to double what I am taking but simply cannot. He's decided to try a slight increase to get as much of a dose into me as I can handle. I had really hoped to be able to handle larger dosage as this drug does seem to help me even at lesser dose.

High potassium is as dangerous as low and it is impacting what could have been a helpful up dose. I'll have to test often to be sure the slight increase doesn't push me too high.

Obviously, I avoid all but the very occassional banana and yogurt.... both of which I really like.
:( Anyone want my extra potassium?

Sure enough, my bloodwork came back with potassium 4.9. My cardio really wants to increase my lisinopril to double what I am taking but simply cannot. He's decided to try a slight increase to get as much of a dose into me as I can handle. I had really hoped to be able to handle larger dosage as this drug does seem to help me even at lesser dose.

High potassium is as dangerous as low and it is impacting what could have been a helpful up dose. I'll have to test often to be sure the slight increase doesn't push me too high.

Obviously, I avoid all but the very occassional banana and yogurt.... both of which I really like.

Am I wrong, but I thought the recommended & desired potassium levels were anywhere within the 3.5 - 5.3 range??