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last night i recieved a dog. she is 3 yrs old and hyper grandpa gave her to me..she is a yorkshire terrier and i know so little bout her...any help?
Hi there,
The first thing I would do is make sure that she is vaccinated and checked by a veterinarian. Hopefully she has been spayed/operated so that she will not go into heat and possibly end up pregnant.

Dogs like a routine:
When you wake up take her out side on a leash to the bathroom right away.
Then feed her a handfull of good quality dry food and water.
At lunch time, outside again, and play time.
At Supper time, outside, then feed her another handfull of food.
Before bed, back outside.
Decide if she will sleep in a dog bed or in a cage with a blanket.
If she chews things or has toilet accidents, it is very practical to keep her in a cage when you are out.
Always keep her on a leash and buy an I.D. tag with your phone number.
Yorkies are in the terrier family, they are brave, lively, happy dogs, which live a long time.
She will also need frequent hair combing and brushing, nail clipping; you can bring her to a dog groomer every 3 months for a wash and trim.
It's a big responsibility, but its worth it :)
That all was great advice. As the owner of four (4)! Scottish terriers let me add:

1. She is hyper because its all new and she is a bit afraid. Comfort her, talk gently to her, pet her and hold her if she will let you.
2. Be sure she is fixed!
3. Get her chipped if you can afford to, its worth it.
4. At night keep her in the same room with you. Dogs are pack animals and want to be with their pack. More than once I have woken up to find 1, 2,3 or 4 scotties in bed with me. Its great on a cold winter night !
5. Never ever hit or kick her when you are mad because she is bad. That never works and can cause permant harm in your relationship.
6. And yea, its worth it. Hurts like all hell when they cross the rainbow bridge. But its worth it.
teach her tricks. always have a treat to reward her. hotdogs will do - just pinch a tiny piece (tiny, mind you) off, and let her know you have it. Give her a command like 'sit'. Gently press just above her tail until she is down, then give her the treat. shake hands -same thing. but always be gentle with her. tell her how good she is and mind your voice is a happy voice. they know when you are upset and will think you are scolding. Never scold, but do use the word 'no'. Sit is very important. If she should get away from you all you have to do is say sit and she will stop and sit. You can teach her to 'speak'. make the sound of a bark and say speak. Also you can hold a treat up, she will stand on back legs - move your treat slowly around and she will learn to go round with your hand that is just out of her reach until she completes the round - then reward her with it. good luck. You are now a parent, you know. Be a really nice daddy to her.
I have a yellow lab now but had a beloved yorkie ("Tiffany") before that.

Yorkies are sweet and intelligent. They are feisty and have no fear of much bigger dogs so you need to watch out for that. Need to groom them regularly. They have a lot of spirit and are a lot of fun.

Here is a link to an article about yorkies that you might enjoy. Hope you enjoy your yorkie very much.
( Its Nascar08)

( Its Nascar08)

hey yeah i know she is agressive..almost bit dad and towards the end of this night she membered who he was..yeah she is protective over me n my mom..she is 3yrs old..isnt fixed n she is potty trained and we let her roam at night..since we have had her for like now little over 24hrs...thanks imma readin it lol
It sounds like you have a big watchdog in a small package:)
If she has a real strong character, it's best not to spoil her too much, she needs to know that she is not the boss/leader.

When she settles in after a couple of weeks, it is a REALLY good idea to have her fixed/spayed. She may go into heat's time.....and then you will have a moody little girl attracting every male dog for miles.

Also, when they are not fixed, they are more likely to get uterine infections and tumours; so the operation actually works out saving you money and problems in the long run....

I bet she is adorable and lots of fun!
Have you ever seen a show called The Dog Whisperer. Caesar Millan is incredible with dogs. You might be able to find his books and/or DVD's at the library. He never yells or raises his voice. In fact he rarely even uses words. He establishes himself as the leader of the pack. He says that you want your dog to be "calm and submissive" and you get them to be that way by being "calm and assertive" yourself. One thing he highly recommends is daily physical activity for the dog. He recommends a lot of walking.

Right now your new dog needs reassurance. You have received lots of good advice from everyone. Enjoy your new friend. There's nothing like the unconditional love of a dog.
pet food (can) recall

pet food (can) recall

I'm not sure if i should have made it's own post to make sure everyone sees this but
A pet food maker has recalled dog and cat food. Menu foods is recalling cans that are sold at Wal-Mart, Safeway, Kroger, PetSmart, as well as other store brands. About 60 million containers of the canned wet food are recalled after reports of kidney failure and death in at least 10 pets. The recall covers the company's "Cuts and Gravy," food with the dates of December 3rd - March 6th. Here is a list of brands