Any of you ever had a thyroid fine needle biopsy?

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Praline Supporter
Supporting Member
Dec 18, 2005
When I went to see an endocronologist(sp?)at the end of May he said he could feel nodules on my thyroid. He sent me for an ultra sound. I found out today that he wants me to go have a fine needle biopsy. Any of you ever had one done?
Yes, I have had that done several times. They numb your neck with Novocaine or something similar and then go in with the fine needle and take several samples. It isn't too bad at all. You have to stay very still while they put the needle in, and you might feel some pressure. I have a very large substernal goiter and will be seeing a surgeon in a couple of weeks. Had the darned goiter forever, now it has moved my trachea off to the side, so I think it's time for it to go.
I've had a couple . One as Nancy said numb you and then take samples. Had another one where the Doctor used sonogram to see were he was going when he used the needles. I have 4 goiters and have had no problems for years just take my synthroid everyday and blood every 3 months. One of the easier tests.
Good Luck .
Deja vu!
My GP has been after me for one of these, and I've told him he can get it done when I have my next surgery. All my tests have been normal, and my thyroid has been enlarged for 30 years. I think it's just CYA stuff for the doctor.

Are they going to do it while you are anticoagulated? I told my GP I wasn't coming off warfarin for any unnecessary test.
I think it is important to check your thyroid out. I have had these tests to see if there were any cancer cells. so far, so good. But I could be facing surgery soon, and even though I have had several fine needle tests and several CT scans, my thyroid is very large and could still contain cancer cells which would only show up in pathology tests.
My little lumps and bumps on my neck still need to be watched, but my Father needed the ultrasound for his. So far, so good.
I would ask for a mild sedative also. Best wishes to you, Praline.
Good morning:
I had a FNA about six years ago at which time I was told I had hashimotos thyroiditis. I've been on synthroid for about a dozen or so years and do have a non-toxic multi-nodular goiter. I've had several ultrasounds to see if my nodules have changed in size. I'm due for another one this fall.
However, my 38-year old son had a FNA this year. Cancer was found and he had a complete thyroidectomy. Now he has to undergo a scan and take the radioactive iodine. He's having a hard time dealing with this as you can imagine.
In any event, good luck with your results. I understand that most of the time the results are benign.
Praline, You didn't mentiion if the doctor tested your TSH and antibodies. My internist felt nodules and my numbers were high and I was diagnosed with Hashimoto's thyroiditis. He sent me to a surgeon but after seeing him one time he got sick and died before he could do anything for me. So I went back to my internist and we decided we would just try synthroid and see what happened. The nodules disappeared; that was 16 years ago and I have been taking another T4 medicine ever since and no sign of further nodules. But of course that is just my experience for what it's worth.
I had this done a year before my OHS and although it was uncomfortable, it really wasn't bad. I ended up having 3/4's of my thyroid removed due to possible cancer, so that was worse than the fine needle thing! It really wasn't bad, but since my throat was bandaged after surgery, it was uncomfortable! Good luck and keep us up to date!
Just wanted to wish you good luck Praline. Will be praying for the best for you!

I too have been told several years ago that I have a small nodule on the side of my thyroid but the drs haven't pushed for additional testing? I try to feel for it but I can never feel it so......perhaps someday I'll ask my PCP if he thinks I ought to get it checked out.
I had one done a few years ago. Many nodules but one that grows faster than the others. It wasn't fun, I would probably ask for valium next time. It was U/S guided and they had to do it twice b/c the first sample wasn't adequate. For mine they stuck the needle in and kind of pulsed it in and out. I wasn't prepared for that part of it. Everything was fine, my thyroid tests are always normal though I am always tired and have many symptoms of thyroid issues. All testing has been normal so I am not on any meds or anything. I hope your test goes smoothly and has good results.

Three years ago I had my thyroid ultra sound. They found that I have many small nodules on my thyroid. They then did about five fine needle biopsies on some of noduales. The needle biopsies were painless. All biopsies came back fine. Six months later a follow up ultra sound, then a year later a follow up ultra sound. My next ultra sound follow up is in two years. My nodules are unchanged.

Good luck with your results, most of the time the results are benign.

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