Another Update on geckley - and a ?

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Well-known member
Sep 9, 2008
Frederick Maryland USA
Hi everyone -

Just thought I'd give another update.

Surgery on Monday, ventilator out while in ICU on Tuesday, moved from ICU to cardiac floor on Wednesday afternoon. One drain and catheter removed Wednesday. I think he was weaned of all IV meds at this point. Thursday, I was with him most of the day (spent the night Wed), then left to get our son and bring him for a visit. Got back, and he's back on the amioderone drip. Told me he had a rough evening. Turns out he developed tachycardia - went into a-fib. He was sleeping when the nurses came in - his heart rate was up in the 130s and 140s. An amio push, magnesium, amio drip, and I think later some potiassium dropped him to around 120. I quickly found someone to watch our son, and came back for the night. He was 'fine' over night - still in the 119-121 range.

Took a walk Thursday morning, lasix kicked in. About 1130, rate spiked again. He complained of chest pain this time too. Finally the nurse pract came and called in the troops. Made me leave the room. Ghon tried to explain that he felt the chest pain was fromt he position he was sitting in - he doesn't tolerate lying in bed for long periods of time. As soon as he was sat up for the chest xray - the pain left. There was talk of moving him to ICU. All this and Ghon was feeling fine - just the high HR. He put his foot down, told them he wasn't comfortable with their decisions and actions, and wanted to speak to his surgeon.They paged the doc, and he came to his room. His heartrate was down (to 120 again) and he felt everything was OK.

Had a consult with the electro specialist to see if the course of action they were on was OK, and any next steps. Sounds like if the meds don't bring the rate down, ten days post op they may sedate and shock him.

This morning, he's feeling well - we both got a lot of rest (I stayed again after the 2nd episode), and he's ready to walk. Waiting on the NP before we can stroll. Ugg. I've heard him ticking too. :)

So my question - anyone have the a-fib post op? Your experience with it?

and...sometimes I hear a tick, sometimes I don't. Is that normal?

Ghon's wife Kim
Kim, those who have been there themselves I'm sure will be along soon. Dick had a bout of a-fib about the third day out which they quickly treated with IV (don't remember what med they used) and then put him on a beta blocker and he was fine and walking the halls the next day. I was very carefully watching the monitors in the hall as we walked by the nurses station. A-fib is not unusual right after surgery. I'm glad you are so pro-active and staying on top of things. Best wishes that this was a bump in the road and behind him now.
I think most of us had bouts of afib after surgery at one point or another. It's common, so don't worry yourself about that. I wish they'd stop using Amiodarone as the first drug of choice for treatment. Even the manufacturer states that it is to be used only when others have failed. That stuff is nasty and will stay in his body for months. Cardioversion would be prefered to that, I would think. Keep us posted when possible, but be sure to get your own rest and be there for the rest of the family too.
Thanks. His cardiologist stopped by this morning, and told us, the nurse and NP that he and the surgeon want him off the amioderone this morning, and started on a beta blocker. He was on 12.5mg toporol once a day before surgery. NP said she's going to start him on the fast acting version, and get him 12.5 twice a day. So far, the IV is still running, but it's only been an hour. After his surgery in 2005, he was on the amio and was weaned pretty quickly.

Took a nice walk this morning. Rate jumped a bit, but came right back down. He's trying life without oxygen today. Be nice to get one more tube out of the way.

Cardioversion - thanks, Ross. I'd forgotten the name for it. Hopefully the med change will work. Cardiologist said if we just took him off the monitor, he's appear just fine. Let's hope it keeps getting better.

I got some decent sleep last night. He's taking a quick nap now, and I might do the same. I have a couple hours before I have to leave to pick up our son -and take him home for today's daycare and bring his daughter back here to see him. She's in school, and hasn't seen him since the day before the operation.
Sounds like the start of a bright day, Kim! Remember to take some time for yourself too. You will be going double-time once he gets home too.
Kim, the tachy experience is somewhat common.....I had it too. I woke up at 4 a.m. with a heart rate of 170. The nurses zipped me back to step down and gave me Sotalol and Potassium. The next day I started Metoprolol and all seemed fine. Mind you, I am still on the metoprolol 3 yrs later. I cope with it :)
Best wishes.
I am sorry to hear he is having some tough times. Hopefully, it will be cleared up quickly and while he is still in the hospital. Please keep us updated. We want to know. blessins........