Another Spanner in the Works!!

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Talking to my boys.

Talking to my boys.


My boys are now 19 & 21. A sophomore and senior at CSU. I'm sure they would answer any questions your son may have or just chat with him, if he would like. I would be happy to give you their e-mail addresses if you would like. I don?t want to post their e-mail addresses here, so if you would like to have them please e-mail me at [email protected] Talking to them may help him as much as anything else.

I have created a new thread under pre-surgery titled "Just for Joe." I have to smile, Nancy, it looks like you and I were typing similar messages at the same time:)

I saw that too, John-

Goes to show you just how similar everyone's post surgery phase is. Amazing isn't it? When we go through this alone, we think it's so unusual, but when you get into a group with the same problems, everything fits and makes sense.


Most of the messages I have read are very typical of many, do do do, I advocate doing nothing. Relax take care of your kids basic needs and then focus on relaxing!!!! Leave your hubby on the couch and go away from him the house for two hours or so every day. Anywere it's quiet!!!!!!!
Thank you

Thank you

Dearest friends, Thank you so much for all your replies and support. I have just printed out all of Joe's replies for him. I am sure he will feel much better to hear about how "real" people coped with the situation. Last night he said he thought he might be required to donate bone marrow - I don't know where that one came from, but I was happy to put him right.

I have also arranged for him to see one of our GPs - an extremely nice young man who is so easy to talk to - to voice all his concerns, things that he might not want to say to me. Unfortunately this will not be for another week and a bit.

I am feeling shocking at the moment as I have managed to catch the virus that Nick has got. (sickness, fever, headache, sore chest and sweats) However, I just had to get out of the house and feel so much better since reading all your replies.

Thank you again.
Hi Jane,

I am so sorry that you are going through a difficult period

I hope your husbands health improves soon,

You have received lots of excellent advice, I do not feel that i can add anything, but I just wanted to let you know that you are in my thoughts.

Please give Joe a big hug from me

Love from
