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Well-known member
Apr 13, 2005
Los Angeles, CA
Today is a big day in my life & though I haven't been on the site much lately, I had to share. First I must thank all of the members who were (are) so supportive and gave me so much knowledge. I don't know where I would be today without your help. 730 days ago, today, I (barely) survived my MVR surgery and began a very, very long arduous recovery.

Aug. 17, 2004 was almost 3 wks. after I had entered CICU where I was apparently too ill to be moved to another hospital, too ill to survive certain procedures and in desperate need of my new-ish St Jude MV. I didn't get to go home until Sept. 20th, but at least the worst was over.

Numerous complications, a badly infected gall-bladder (10 more days in hosp. in Oct.), a mild stroke rendering my swallow reflex unusable (a G-tube for 2 months), massive weight loss and ... voila. As a note to anybody with pending surgery, it's rarely, rarely as bad as I had it, yet in many ways healthier (& definitely stronger) than before I got sick.

Tick. Tick.
Congratulations and I remember it all! I had a very rough go of it myself and ended up in the house of pain from July 22, 2002 until September 19th? 2002. Far too long and you really get an appreciation for the small things in life.
To two fellow members who really know where I'm coming from -- thank you. Compared to what we've been through, an ordinary VR seems like a cake walk. (NOT REALLY!!!!)

My best wishes to you, also!!!!!
Congratulations! Aren't you glad to be seeing all that in the rear-view mirror instead of heading straight at you at 100 miles an hour?

And life is sweet, isn't it?:)
Karlynn said:
Congratulations! Aren't you glad to be seeing all that in the rear-view mirror instead of heading straight at you at 100 miles an hour?

And life is sweet, isn't it?:)

Karylynn -- To answer you succinctly -- "YES" and "YES" :)
Hey there, Jess. So good to see you. It is nice to hear that you are out there ticking away after all you went through. It was a tough hall. Thanks for checking in.
Congratulations on your two year really went up and over a BIG mountain. Glad you eventually landed on the other side in good shape!

Take care,