An interesting turn of events

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Well-known member
Apr 13, 2004
Ontario, Canada
Some of you may remember I was concerned at one time about the high doses of warfaring I had to take. Sometimes as high 20 mgs. a day. There didn't seem to be any reason.

Well... I have just returned from 10 days in the hospital with pnuemonia. During my stay my INR went as high as 8, which I was given Vitamin K and as low 1.3, which I was given Heparin. I would imagine some of that is due the heavy course of antibiotics I was on.

But interestingly enough after all is said and done I am now taking 7.5 mgs daily instead of the 20/18 mgs daily. And my INR is perfect at 3.3. I just wonder the rythmn or reason for some things.

Rachael you are probably right

Rachael you are probably right

Hi Rachael,

I never thought of residual effects of the antibiotics. I pretty much go every week and get my INR checked. As a matter of fact I went yesterday and it was only 2.1. So the Coumadin will go up.
My gut feeling Rob is that it may not have been the antibiotics playing with your INR but the underlying infection. I know that INR can become unstable during therapy but for me, like you, I have noticed the instability arising prior to starting an antibiotic. And since antibiotics are used in the setting of infection then it is the most visible to blame. I'm wondering if when our bodies fight infection that maybe an increased level of natural steroids occurs and that may cause it. Like I say it is only this nagging feeling but I think it is possible.

Glad to hear you are feeling better again.
It is good to be able to check every week, but I am in Canada so that involves going to a clinic and having blood drawn every week, plus a 20 km drive (12 miles). I hate to sound whiney but I have gone to this lab every week for the past three years since the replacement of my Mitral Valve.

But you bring up some interesting points though. I have been taking very high doses of Prednisone for the past three years, as well as immune suppressing drugs. So really I have resigned myself to the fact that I will probably have to go every week for the rest of my life. Which I hope is substantial.

Off to Google steroids and warfarin.
Bina, you did?

I only have OHIP, no extra insurance. I would LOVE to not to have to drive to that MDS lab every week.

Patiently waiting for your answer.
You would need a presciption from your GP and a pharmacy or hospital to teach you how to use your big deal. I live in eastern Ontario far from a big city. I called Roche Diagnostics in Montreal and they referred me to a pharmacy 25 minutes from my home where I had to go to pick up my Coaguchek XS and have the 30 mins of instruction. The price of the machine is $995 but during the summer they had a special and I paid $500. This cost I will put on my end of year income tax form. The test strips are about $8 each. I wanted to test every 2 weeks so I bought 24 for $181. This covers one year. Well worth it, no driving, no gas.
Ask your GP if he would consider this option, I went to mine armed with my info pamphlet. When he saw that I had done my research and had on line support, he was on board. I just phone in my results.
We have members in the Toronto area who also home test.