Amazing Angio CT Scan

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I FINALLY received a copy of my angio CT showing asending aortic aneursym of 5.1 c.m. I thought you all might find it of interest. The report indicates a "4.3 cm measurement just above the coronaries and 5.1cm in the mid-thoracic aorta. The remainder of the arch appears normal in architecture".

Ironically, my wife had emergency surgery yesterday for three abdominal wall tears that impacted her lower intestinal track. All went well. However, as we were entering the hospital, I ran into my cardiologist who seemed stunned we were there. I thought about joking about having palpatations, but I thought better of it. He asked if I had heard from the Dr. McCarthy's office yet for a review of my case (which I had not). He said if I do not hear from them within two days to call him so he can intercede (which makes me worry). Can this be something that requires more serious attention? I've been thinking that I have time. And I want to have my wife in there with me.

I'd appreciate any comments.
I love these pictures, the technology fascinates me...It makes it so easy for us novice-doctors :D to see the aneurysm. Soon you will be able to add an "after" picture to your portfolio where you can see your flashy new Dacron Aorta.

At 5.1 I would say you have probably passed the "wait'n'watch" stage and have now reached the "chose a surgeon" stage. I dont recall reading if you need a valve as well or are you just fixing the aneurysm?

I hope your wife is doing well after her abdominal surgery...My hubby had foot surgery a week before my OHS which kept him in a cast and home for 2 actually worked out well as he was able to care for the kids and do the cooking and washing so I could recover.
At 5.1 I would say you have probably passed the "wait'n'watch" stage and have now reached the "chose a surgeon" stage. I dont recall reading if you need a valve as well or are you just fixing the aneurysm?

Yep, need an aortic valve replacement too. Very interested in finding out more about the technology in the "On-X" valve- especially if it could soon be approved with reduced blood thinners or simple aspirin. Its quite a life altering chore to pick the best valve.
Wanna trade aortas? :D

Aaron, I just want one that will continue to work without the risk of taking me out one day. I have too many things left to do, places to go, people to see and a family that loves me and that I love. My pretty ;) aorta is just as nasty as yours once it fails to do the job- right? Lets get fixed and enjoy the rest of our lives!

I'll be keeping the group informed of my progress towards my repair/replacement. I hope you will also do the same and lets compare our "replacement parts" afterwards.
I am not positive but I think if you need an new Dacron Aorta as well as a valve you get given a StJude valve because that is the one that comes with the attatched Dacron sleeve...Some surgeons may be willing and able to make the On-x fit with a sleeve but I think they would prefer to go with the ready-made option....This is what I remember form 2 years ago.
Aaron, I just want one that will continue to work without the risk of taking me out one day. I have too many things left to do, places to go, people to see and a family that loves me and that I love. My pretty ;) aorta is just as nasty as yours once it fails to do the job- right? Lets get fixed and enjoy the rest of our lives!

I'll be keeping the group informed of my progress towards my repair/replacement. I hope you will also do the same and lets compare our "replacement parts" afterwards.

Amen! McCarthy is known as one of the best if not the best, so I think you're in good hands. It sounds like it's a close one like mine. I'm told 4 more millimeters. Hopefully we have a smooth, uneventful wait!
Yep, need an aortic valve replacement too. Very interested in finding out more about the technology in the "On-X" valve- especially if it could soon be approved with reduced blood thinners or simple aspirin. Its quite a life altering chore to pick the best valve.

Have you seen the On-X websites at and ?

For further information you may want to contact Catheran Burnett, RN.
She is the Manager of Education and Promotion for On-X.
Her contact information is [email protected] or 888-339-8000 ext 265.
She is a former surgical nurse and has been in the Valve Business for 20 years.
I FINALLY received a copy of my angio CT showing asending aortic aneursym of 5.1 c.m. I thought you all might find it of interest. The report indicates a "4.3 cm measurement just above the coronaries and 5.1cm in the mid-thoracic aorta. The remainder of the arch appears normal in architecture".

Ironically, my wife had emergency surgery yesterday for three abdominal wall tears that impacted her lower intestinal track. All went well. However, as we were entering the hospital, I ran into my cardiologist who seemed stunned we were there. I thought about joking about having palpatations, but I thought better of it. He asked if I had heard from the Dr. McCarthy's office yet for a review of my case (which I had not). He said if I do not hear from them within two days to call him so he can intercede (which makes me worry). Can this be something that requires more serious attention? I've been thinking that I have time. And I want to have my wife in there with me.

I'd appreciate any comments.
I'm a retired surgeon now awaiting open heart surgery. I don't have much experience with thoracic aneurysms, but I remember operating on a patient that ruptured a 4.0 cm abdominal aneurysm. It is rare to rupture one that small. If we knew when the weak spot would develop and pop we would know to operate. 7.0 cm used to be a high risk abdominal aneurysm. Remember the thoracic is closer to the heart and thus get's a higher pressure surge.
I am not positive but I think if you need an new Dacron Aorta as well as a valve you get given a StJude valve because that is the one that comes with the attatched Dacron sleeve...Some surgeons may be willing and able to make the On-x fit with a sleeve but I think they would prefer to go with the ready-made option....This is what I remember form 2 years ago.

Actually, I am not that picky for I am most interested in continuing to breathe. So I will take anything they'll put in me in order to do just that. I just hope to make the best decision with what is available. If the carburetor off an old rusty Ford Falcon will do the job, I guess I take that too! :D
I'm a retired surgeon now awaiting open heart surgery. I don't have much experience with thoracic aneurysms, but I remember operating on a patient that ruptured a 4.0 cm abdominal aneurysm. It is rare to rupture one that small. If we knew when the weak spot would develop and pop we would know to operate. 7.0 cm used to be a high risk abdominal aneurysm. Remember the thoracic is closer to the heart and thus get's a higher pressure surge.

I appreciate the information. I know this is nothing to mess with and anything can happen unexpectedly to anybody. Probably given the fact that no two of us are exactly alike (its the wonder of nature), some aneurysm's will go before others. I just so glad they found it and we are on the way to doing something about it. These new tools give us a chance whereas in the past, it was an emergency or curtains. I appreciate a surgeon giving a prespective and hope that your own case will be resolved soon.

Thanks for joining the conversation.
nice pic.

time for surgery.

when talking to on-x, remember they make their living on selling the valve.

Very interesting thread and followup posts.

Stu, I hope all goes well for you and your wife; take care :) .
Upchurch, your optimism is rubbing off on me. :D I'm serious!

Thats what we are here for! To learn, lean on, joke, comiserate, cry and celebrate with each other. I am happy to be a part of this community. Soon, I will be freaking out about my surgery once the date is set and I will be depending upon all of you! :eek:
nice pic.

time for surgery.

when talking to on-x, remember they make their living on selling the valve.


Yes, I agree. Take everything with a grain of salt- remembering that when talking to a vendor, they are also trying to sell something, making sure any decision is in MY best interest and not the salesmen.
Very interesting thread and followup posts.

Stu, I hope all goes well for you and your wife; take care :) .

Susan, thank you for the well wishes. I took her home last night and all is looking really well for her. She knows that soon, she'll be taking care of me so I had better be real good to her while she is down! :rolleyes:
Ya know, this whole waiting thing makes me wish they'd come up with something safer and more effective than OHS for valve/aneurysm repair real quick. In a neurotic kinda way I keep telling myself that medicine is getting better and better by the day. :D

I think the on-x valve is probably the valve of the future. I've scoured their website and they show promising results for mortality stats and hemodynamic studies. I just hope it doesn't end up like that Bjork-Shiley valve though.
Ya know, this whole waiting thing makes me wish they'd come up with something safer and more effective than OHS for valve/aneurysm repair real quick. In a neurotic kinda way I keep telling myself that medicine is getting better and better by the day. :D

I think the on-x valve is probably the valve of the future. I've scoured their website and they show promising results for mortality stats and hemodynamic studies. I just hope it doesn't end up like that Bjork-Shiley valve though.


OHS has certainly progressed in many positive ways. I have two stories to tell you about how I know. My mother had two mechanical valves implanted in 1970. She lived for ten years and suffered three strokes because we couldn't get her blood thinner correct. Its almost not a second thought now and the tests we have now are so much better. My second story is about my son. He was born in 1984 with hypoplastic left heart syndrome. It was mortal. The only thing they could do at the time was an infant heart transplant. A heart wasn't available and he died after three days of life on this earth. Today, HLHS kids are living! They have perfected surgical techniques and even though it isn't a cake-walk, these kids have a shot at life. I am so happy with the advances. My cardiologist told me that if I had presented my condition 40 years ago, I MIGHT make it into my early sixties before I succumbed (if I was lucky). By the time you need the surgery, who knows what science will bring.

With the On-X valve, I am VERY interested in it but will rely on the advice of Dr. McCarthy. I understand On-X does not have any record that he has worked with this valve before. Also, the valve does not have a "factory" installed aortic conduit version available and the sleeve would have to be created during the surgery.