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Aunt Granny

Well-known member
May 30, 2003
Justin, Texas
I have been trying to read the posts about the different valves, but I just can not seem to get into doing any research. In all honesty hear lately I feel indifferent about the whole thing. I was wondering if this is just a stage we go through or what. At first I couldn't NOT think about it. Now I just DONT want to. I did get the results of my doctor's visits - NOT that I can understand them. As far as which type of valve, I really don't care. My preference is ONE with NO complications:D . I do not have the internet @ home so most of my research is done on my lunch hour, but with all my husbands medical problems I don't seem to have the desire, or time to do much research. I would like to know just how bad the symptoms get before they do surgery. I can not afford to be at "dragging" level before they do anything. I am the only one in our household that works. And trust me it is not because I am "career" minded.:p I just am at the point I want to get it over with. I am ready to have more energy again. I can not seem to play with my kids "nieces and nephews" and Grandbaby like I want to. You know it just sounds to me like I am frusterated - Ya think!:rolleyes:
Hang in there. Everything has its phases, and I imagine that this is just one of them for you. If you ate tapioca pudding every day at lunch for a week, you would need a break from it. Same thing w/r/t thinking about valves and sickness. Too much of it and you get burned out. So give yourself a break and say that you will come back to thinking about valves when you feel good and ready - and not a minute sooner! :p In the meantime, take care of YOU, as best you can, and focus on the parts of your life that you do have. Keep us posted!

Hey Granny ! Good to hear from you again. No Sweety, you're not nuts. I never did get into the whole valve choice thing, and didn't really give a hoot. I had some other things I was anxious about and all my friends here talked me through them. I figured the surgeon sure as h___ better know what he's doing, and if he can't make a decision, I'm in trouble. I was already on Coumadin because of some thrown clots, so that was not an issue. If you get around to analyzing the whole valve issue, that's ok. If not, you'll do ok too. Next time you talk to your cardio, ask him to give you some thoughts about it. You doing ok ??? Chris
Yeah Chris I am doing just fine. Thanks a bunch yall. I just sometimes wonder if I don't take things serious enough. Don't get me wrong I realize this is a BIG surgery, but I guess I am more like you Chris in that I have confidence in my doctors and their abilities. In fact when I asked my MD he said that we would more than likely use the doctor that did his mother inlaw's surgery. Come to think of maybe I should ask him how much he likes his mother-inlaw:D I just crack myself up sometimes. Yall have a GREAT WEEK-END! Thanks for the encouragement.
Granny - you asked at what point they finally decide to do the surgery? I've had it done twice and neither time was I symptomatic. My heart was enlarging and the valve was leaking, but I wasn't suffering from lack of energy or degraded quality of life. Every doctor I worked with said to get it done before the symptoms appear.

You said you want to get it over with - I think thats exactly what you should do! Good luck!
Hi Aunt Granny-

Who said you have to do all your own research? If you have a wonderful surgeon who you have absolute faith in, then you can turn the whole darned thing over to him. Just tell him whether you would be willing to have surgery again in 10-15 years (tissue valve), or would be willing to go on Coumadin and get a mechanical valve and probably never need another surgery.

Some people are in to lots of research, but if you're not, then let the expert help you out. Most surgeons will have a discussion with you anyway about valve choices. So save your energy for when that happens.

But do hang around with us and join in the fun. Who knows, maybe you'll absorb valve info by osmosis while you're enjoying yourself.
Hello Granny,

I would recommend you talk with your Cardiologist about the timing of your surgery. Remember, that cardiologists often like to postpone surgery as long as possible. The surgeons like to operate BEFORE there is permanent damage to the Heart Muscle. I like the latter approach. It might be good to gently push your Cardiologist into refering you to a surgeon and then ask HIM (the surgeon) when he thinks you should go ahead.

Best wishes,
