allergy to aspirin

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Well-known member
May 1, 2005
Salem, Utah
Yesterday I posted a question in a thread by Nigella that has been bumped off the New Post page.

According to several of you, aspirin therapy is "standard procedure" following valve replacement. My question is, is that true for tissue valves as well as for mechanic valves? And what would happen in the case of a person being allergic to aspirin? I am allergic to aspirin. My valve replacement is still years away. But as I've gone back and forth in my own mind on the debate for the kind of valve that would be best for me, I'd thought that maybe I should more seriously consider a tissue valve to avoid the aspirin with coumadin issue. However, somehow I thought coumadin is, in one sense, an alternative to aspirin. But many of you say that you take both. Many times I find myself leaning toward the choice for a mechanical valve, if I would have to take coumadin (instead of aspirin) anyway, with a tissue valve. But what substitutions are there for aspirin, if the aspirin serves a different purpose than the coumadin?

'Appreciate some info... thanks.


I'm not a doctor so I don't know if Coumadin is a true alternative to aspirn as they effect different aspects of clotting. I do know that many folks who go tissue will have to use Coumadin for a short period of time after surgery (some for longer periods). You may want to talk with Al as he is the expert on Coumadin with his clinic as I'm sure he can give a much better answer than I can.

I guess the other question for Al is if you are alergic to aspirin, what are the chances of you being allergic to coumadin? What happens to you when you take aspirin?

- John
The thread didn't get bumped, it got moved to the proper forum which is Anti-Coagulation. You can find it there. :)
i'm not sure if it depends on the patient or not...ask your doctor...but for me personally....i had a tissue valve put in on 5-31-2005. the meds were....20mg lisinopril (but was taking that before surgery), 81mg of asprin, protonix for 3 weeks post surgery for anit-acid, 400mg of advil 3 times a day for one week post surgery (for anti-inflamatory), and 500mg vicadin for pain relief. so now the only thing i take is the lisinopril and asprin. never did coumadin after surgery....just needed potassium and magnessium (sp) one day after surgery.
Karen, if you are allergic to aspirin then you aren't going to be taking it. It is used in conjuction with coumadin just to hit the anticoagulation issue from a slightly different angle. Some of us are on it and some of us are not. Ross mentioned that some are on Plavix as well. If you doctor felt it was necessary that could be the drug of choice. Many people with tissue valves don't have to take any anticoagulation type medication at all. I wouldn't worry about the allergy as there is debate about whether there is any real benefit valve-wise with the addition of aspirin anyway.
Thanks for your replies... Betty, that sounds reassuring.

Mmarshall, is 81 mg equal to a baby aspirin? Obviously, the doses that I took were much greater than that in a baby aspirin, but I'd be nervous to take any amount...

John, the reaction I have to aspirin is similar to an asthma attack. My throat feels constricted, my face swells, and I have difficulty breathing. I admit that I've wondered about reactions to coumadin. Is it possible to be "allergic" to coumadin? Does anyone know of anyone who could NOT take coumadin because of adverse reactions? Now, that would be a scary place to be POST surgery with a mechanical valve!

Thanks again!
Karen asks: Does anyone know of anyone who could NOT take coumadin because of adverse reactions? Now, that would be a scary place to be POST surgery with a mechanical valve!

We have a member who had to have her mechanical valve explanted and a tissue valve implanted due to having had two subdural bleeds but that was not due to an allergy but the prospect of another subdural bleed on coumadin posed a greater risk than having a re-op and changing to a tissue valve.
Coumadin and Aspirin both help prevent clotting but by two different mechanisms.

Coumadin is an anti-coagulent

Aspirin is an anti-platelet

You should discuss your allergy and potential treatment with your Cardiologist and Surgeon of choice. If there is a way to test for allergy to Coumadin, that would be a wise thing to do before surgery!

'AL Capshaw'
If you have a mechanical valve, you won't need to go on aspirin. If you have a tissue valve, they will likely put you on Plavix (clopidigrel [sp?]) or warfarin (Coumadin) for up to three months.

Aspirin is just a bonus in this, not a requirement.

Best wishes,
I've been operating under the notion that if I'm warfarin (which I am) I can't take aspirin (which I don't) and that seems to be backed up by PDR information regarding possible drug interactions...

It still seems like people are a little "too" paranoid about being on warfarin.

Yeah, it can have some risks if managed improperly, but that's why you set up a good system for yourself and with your physician to monitor protime/INR and dosage.

I've been on warfarin since my surgery in March, 2003, and outside of a few high INR numbers on occassion, I've never had any real problems. That's not to say you'll have the same experience as I did, just that not everyone who's on coumadin/warfarin is living on the edge of disaster with the potential for stroke events, subdural hematomas, and other massive bleeding issues... Most of the folks on anti-coagulants live fairly normal lives, just like those that don't.
Well most of us that are mechanical valvers, we take Tylenol, not asprin. You may want to ask your doctor about this situation. There are many people who are allergic to asprin and must take something else. Good luck and welcome to the board.
I got a tissue valve in november 2002 and had to take cartia which is asprin for two months post op and now nothing,but im sure your doctords will figure something out for you. :)