Alex B is now 6+ weeks and.... driving... golfing?

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Alex B Supporter
Supporting Member
Jul 30, 2009
Portland, OR
Hi All,

Yeah, I hit 6 weeks on Monday. I saw my Cardiologist and one of the Surgeon's PAs for a checkup. The cardiologist said I'm doing good and we scheduled an Echo. He talked to me about EF and what to expect, but he thinks the heart looks good. I had already cut my Metropolol in half at about 4.5 weeks post op, and the cardiologist said to discontinue altogether, so it's just Warfarin now for me. I'm really excited about that because I don't like medications in general. My heart rate did spike a little, resting rate went up to 82, but in 2 days it's already dropped to 72, so I'm happy. PA said scar looks fine.

Soreness: My chest still feels like it is bruised up, if I run my hand down the scar I can feel it. I can't sleep on my stomach either. I thought that it would be a lot better by now, but it's just a little better. Doc says to wait a couple more weeks.

Stiffness: Last Saturday I woke up with an incredible stiffness in my neck/back. My wife said I was sleeping with my head propped up too much and my chin on my chest, so I'm assuming that is why I was in such pain. I couldn't even turn my head all weekend, but 4 days later it's a lot better, but still a little stiff. I was wondering what it would feel like if I had a blood clot in my spinal column, but I'm not really a worry-wort, so I pretty much ignored it. If anyone has experience with blood clots, I'd like to know what it felt like.

Activities/Work: Still walking quite a bit. Cardiologist said 2 miles, 3X per day is good for me. I started a new role at my work and have some new co-workers that were doing a team builder at the golf course yesterday. Since it was my best chance to get to know them and become one of the team quickly, I went with them. I didn't plan on using my driver, just a little chipping and putting, but when I got out there it felt fine to lightly swing the driver, so I went with it. I couldn't get a 300 yarder or anything like that, but with solid contact I was able to go about 185. It felt like I was pushing it a little being out on the golf course this soon and my cardiologist said not to do much more than walk for 2 more weeks, so I was being a little risky. I feel good today though, so whatever. I'm not letting this hold me back. I start full time work on Monday, but I've been working about 20-30 hours a week prior to that.

Plans: I plan to start jogging in 2 weeks and when my chest stops hurting, I'll post on here how that goes. I also planned a VICTORY Carribean cruise in January to mark my expected full recovery with my wife and 2 other couples.

1.) About the blood clot and how it feels as referenced above
2.) When did your chest feel normal again, how many weeks? Or, when could you sleep on your stomach?
3.) Jogging, how soon post-op were you able to start more strenuous activities?
4.) Echos and stuff, did your EF change much, if so how much?

Thanks everyone and keep on keeping on!
I'd be careful swinging clubs this early, the last thing you want to do is mess up your sternum. Unless your doc said it was fully healed the bone takes longe r than most the other things

At 6 weeks my incision wasn't fully healed yet but I was already jogging on the treadmill.

I played golf for the first time at 7 weeks. 18 holes, swung very tentatively and was kinda sore the next day. Been playing weekly (weather permitting) ever since. The only thing I would tell you is if you do play again in the next few weeks do NOT hit a bunker shot and do NOT hit a ball fat. You WILL feel it and not be happy.

I started sleeping on my stomach again at 8 weeks when my incision finally healed up.

Chest probably didn't feel "normal" till about 4 months. I tried some light bench presses at 10 weeks and that was no good. It wasn't till 16 weeks that I could do any light chest work and not have it freak me out.

No experience with blood clots, but my guess is that you strained some of the neck muscles with an awkward sleeping posture, hence the pain. My surgery was on 1 July so I am now about 10 weeks post op and started rehab last week. Doing some weights, but no pectoral work yet on orders from the biokineticists present at all our sessions. As far as fetching and carrying normal daily things like groceries etc I am very much back to normal. I however strained the sternum last weekend on the boat when I crawled into the engine room to open the diesel valves. One has to twist to get in there, someting I have been doing for the past 30 years and did not give it a second thought. Immediately realised that I strained the sternum, the strange pain only went away after about 3 days. I am now much more careful and will wait out the 3 to 4 months suggested by my surgeon before resuming a fully active life. Would be a shame to damage the sternum and have one shoulder higher than the other for rest of life :)
I played my first 18 about eight weeks out with not much problem ... after almost 3 years I still don’t have the distance I did before AVR ... hit em long and straight:)

I never experienced a blood clot so I can't answer that question. My chest is still numb but not really sore and I'll be 8 weeks post op on Sept 22. Some nights I have difficulty sleeping on my left side and have yet to attempt sleeping on stomach.

I've attended 5 session of phase 2 cardic rehab. Yesterday my workout consisted of 13 minutes on a treadmill, bike, and a stepping machine for a total workout time of 39 minutes. Your heart rate is monitored and blood pressure is taken before, during and after your workout. My resting heart rate before my workout was 85 so I was only allowed to get my heart rate up to 115. You might recall that I'm taking 125 mg of Metropolol twice a day and I'm pretty confident that is keeping my heart rate in check. I felt great and wanted to push myself a bit more but was asked by the nurses to keep my heart rate around 115. Next Wednesday I'll have a stress test at my cardio's office to come up with a more accurate target heart rate for my workouts. I start back to work on Monday. I'm glad to hear you are doing well. I'm not a golfer but plan on going on my first 3 day fishing trip in early October.
Hey there! And OMGoodness, is this perfect golfing weather or what???? I don't golf, but I am out enjoying this magnificent weather!!! WOW! Did you notice that the tree tops are starting to change color. It's gonna be a magnificent fall what with all that hot weather we had this summer. Ain't it grand to be alive in Portland!!!! :D:D:D

Found another great breakfast place. Toast, in SE If you will eat good, organic beef, get the "Dismal Times". The rosti is a perfect shredded potato (probably Yukon golds) hash brown thing. Brunch or dinner. Nice people. Very. Incredibly unpretentious. Picnic tables outside; haven't even seen the inside yet with all this glorious weather!

Can't help with your questions but remember that time is your friend in all of this and what seems to be taking forever to your brain, is actually real earnest progress to your healing heart and sternum. Be patient!!!

Best wishes!!

Hello Alex,

I tried swinging a club at 8 weeks. It was just about this time last year. I played 4 holes and I felt pretty good while I played. The next couple of days my rib cage was sore, especially my back.

I held off for another 2 weeks, first part of October, still had soreness the next day but not as bad, but again, not so as I could have gone out and played again within a few days. Really felt like I was pushing it so I hung the clubs up for the winter. (live in the NE)

I started playing again this spring and have 3 - 4 times a week since. I carry my clubs, play pain free and without losing my wind.

It was a good 5 months before I could lift again without paying for it the next day.
Again, not so much right on my sternum, my pain showed up right in the middle of my back up through my ribs.

My first OHS, I never could sleep on my stomach again. Had my second OHS four years later and told my surgeon my chest was still sore from the first. It had healed fine but I never lost the 'last of the soreness'. He said he'd see if he could make it better this time and he did. I was able to sleep on my stomach at something like 12-13 weeks which was incredible to me. :)

Sounds like you are doing great. Keep up the good work.