Admitted Wed 18th May...

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Well-known member
Jan 23, 2011
Hi all,
Been around this place for a few months now getting as much info as I can. For those who don't know me ... I am 41 male from Brisbane Australia and was born with a BAV. Never had a drama with the valve but last year the ascending aorta is now 51mm which means it's time to fire up the band saw 

I have had a TOE test (swallow a camera) and shows my valve is in excellent condition so a valve sparring procedure will be carried out. The cardio said that the valve is almost perfect and said it might see you out for the rest of your life or we may put another valve in years to come. Replacing the ascending aorta with the tube is the main purpose for the op.
I go in this Wednesday the 18th May (Australian time) and my big day is Thursday 19th May. My surgeons are Dr Trevor Fayers and Dr Peter Tesa. Trevor specialize in aorta work and Peter specializes in valve sparring. Both have done "hundreds"(as they put it) so with lots of prayers I hope I wake up with a shirt full of broken ribs.

My wife will take some videos of day one through to day 10 to show the new people how your hair will look like laying in bed for so long 

Sounds like you have great surgeons! Wishing you all the best - you will LOVE it when this is behind you.
That great sense of humor will help tide you through, and we'll be there in spirit with you, Dave. Wishing you all the best, and looking forward to you reporting back in to us after you've made this journey.
Classic mate, i'll be thinking of you on thursday hope all goes to plan and look forward to the vids
mate i have just spocken to the local Forster specialist on the "Bedhead" condition that your going to have, he has recommended hugh amounts of vaso, apply as much as you can and as often as possible....i'm sure this will fix the problem.
from downunder
How are you going to get "bed-head" when they shave off so much hair?

Just kidding -- what they shave usually won't show when you get your clothes back on.

My solution was just to get a very short haircut a couple of days before surgery. That way I didn't have to worry about it until long after I got home.

Good luck on your Big Day. We'll be here waiting for the updates.
Since when do blokes worry about their 'bed hair'? I thought that was strictly a chick thing.
Good luck with everything this Wednesday. I'll be thinking of you and sending good vibes from freezing Melbourne. You'll feel so much better once it's over. The waiting is worse than the reality.
One more day before I get admitted ... Had some bad nightmares last night and starting to get a little scared...
Isn't there a pill around that can fix my heart??
Needing a hug now.... A world hug is required...
Awww zz...I really know how you feel.. I'm sure I will feel that way when my time comes. I know... I wish there was a pill to fix it too..

I'm sending you big hugs!!! We are all here for you... you are lucky tho.. you get to get this over with!!!
My doc had given me a couple of Ativan (tranq) pills for the nights before the surgery, but then they
called me in 2 days early and I never had a chance to try them.....
So, get a massage, cut off your hair, trim your toenails, and OFF YOU GO !!! ;)
Well... Here I sit in my bed in hospital.. Op is tomorrow morning at 8am... Will be under at 7.15am and hopefully wake up around 2pm....
Wish me luck gang !!!
Cannot wait to post sonething in "Post Op" forum...


You will do fine. No matter what happens in the OR, they have seen it before and know what to do about it. I hit all those speed bumps and now a few months later I am feeling better than I did before the surgery.

You will also do well because you know a lot about what to expect and you have worked your plan. You figured it out and just did it.

We will be here when you post your after-surgery progress reports.

P.S. Enjoy breakfast and lunch. That's probably the last food you will get until after surgery -- and you may not want it then. . .
Well... 3:18am and sitting here in dark like an owl... Waiting for my big operation .... They gave me some 'strong' sleeping tablet... Pthtt .. Might as well gave me a lolly. They will be to wake me at 5am and the real jungle juice will be put in me at 7.15am and the op starts at 8am. Anyway... Won't post anything else here for a few days now so hope to post to you all soon...
We should plan a valve replacement . Org reunion soon.. All the USA and UK people should jump on a plane and come to Brisbane... Dont worry I will pay for ya breakfast and will put on the beers :)

Think the band saw are starting up so better go...

See ya
Hello Dave....Did ya get the license number of that truck that hit you??? No??? That's OK. Now breathe, sleep, rest, and when your tummy feels up to it, put some food into it. Will keep a look out for your first Post-Op news. HUGS!!!!