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Well-known member
Jul 4, 2003
The last two days have been difficult. I am a special education teacher and the work day was Monday. Today was the first day for students. In thirty years of teaching, I have never been sorry to see June roll around. When my daughter was young, it was hard to return in the fall. Otherwise, I have always been eager to return to teaching each fall. I always start planning and going into the building to prepare my room in early August.

I didn?t realize how crushed I would be that I wasn?t returning to the classroom this week. My daughter started school this morning and it was difficult to see her off, as well. I guess that a lot of my feelings stem from fear of the unknown. I am still unsure when or if I can return. My husband is concerned that I will be under too much stress and would prefer that I stop teaching all together. That would not be my choice at this point.

I found the thread which addressed cognitive function very interesting. I?ve always been forgetful and somewhat disinterested when it comes to the details of living (i.e. keys, appointments, etc). I compensate by being overly organized at school. I know I couldn?t pull that off at this point, I am definitely in pumphead mode.

hi Kathy

hi Kathy

nice to see another teacher on here .I am a primary teacher in the North of Scotland. Last Autumn I was in the same position as you . I didn't go back to school in August ...I had my op on the 10th Sept. and didn't return to school until early Feb ,when I returned in a "phased in way " three days a week for four weeks which took me up to one full week before the Spring Break . After that I went back full time. I missed school a lot at first , but by the time I went back I was buying lots of lottery tickets :).
It would really suit me if I could work part time as it is a really stressful and tiring job but I can't consider this yet as my two older children are at University age and financially at their most expensive yet.
Enjoy this time at will be the same if you go back fact by the third day your back , no one will really remember you were ever off for any time . I turned this into a special break that many people don't get away from work. Take care
Hey Kathy - give yourself a break kiddo. In time, you'll feel like returning to the classroom, and in a little more time you'll feel good as new and maybe better. In the meantime, focus on those things you can do to help you heal up. Are you doing any walking ? Have you enrolled in a cardio rehab program yet ? What does your doc say about how much and how soon can you push yourself. In the first couple of months after surgery, I tended to push myself too hard. I usually paid for it dearly the next day by being extremely sore. Try to do a little more every day and your time to return to the classroom will be upon you faster than you think. Chris
Chris and Scottie,

Thank you for your input.

Our Board of Education has a policy that you are not able to work part time upon returning from sick leave. They feel that it is hard on the students to have a teacher unless they are fully engaged. It's a shame, because I could work as a part time Learning Disabilities tutor at some point and they would not have to be paying for all my sick days. There are not enough people qualified for those positions and they use non-certified personnel.

Given time to get over the change in circumstances, I think I will enjoy this break. I know I will feel better when I start driving again.

I am walking twice a day for 6/10 of a mile each time. I see my card. next Wednesday and will ask for a rehab order at that time. I have contacted several rehab facilities and they don't start Phase II rehab until 8 weeks post-op.


I, too, am a teacher. Had my aortic valve replaced with a homograft in Jan. '00. Waited to go back to school after spring break in April...11 weeks. I was able , willing and eager to get back. I was bushed the first few days, but then got right back into the swing of things. Now I am going better than ever. Have even continued to expand my exercise efforts. Am averaging 40 to 60 miles a week on my bicycle now. Give it a little time and you will be feeling great. this is only temporary.
Kathy- I liked your response. You're doing the right stuff and you'll be feeling better in no time. Keep us informed and feel free to ask questions. There are plenty of experts here who have been there and done that. Chris

I'm at the opposite end of the lake in Perrysburg near Toledo.

BTW, my daughter loved the blackout pic and it is now our screensaver.

I guess your not exactly my neighbor. It would take me about 3 or 4 hours to get to your place. I'm 65 miles South of Cleveland right off of I 77.

Glad you the picture. Personally, I had enough of the blackout. Don't want anymore either. :)