ADHD medication for heart patients

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Feb 21, 2021
I was recently diagnosed with a Bicuspid aortic valve and an aortic root aneurysm with a dilation of 3.8 at age 27. I was prescribed Adderall a few years (unaware of my heart conditions at time) and it improved my life drastically. It was the first time I was able to sit down and focus and keep my mind from racing around. It really slowed me down and it had a positive impact in my life. At the advice of my cardiologist, I quit taking the Adderall a month ago. I can't focus when working, and I am unable to to juggle multiple tasks at once. I have a hard time sitting still at my desk (I work from home and I am a pacer). I have an appointment with my physician this upcoming week to inform her I have quit taking the Adderall due to my heart condition.

My question to other folks who have experienced this is; What are my options and do you have any suggestions for non stimulant medications that can help me cope with my ADHD? Has anything else worked for you?

I know my physician will outline possible solutions, I am just trying to gather as much information before I meet with her so I can be comfortable with whatever decision I might make.

after my surgery I couldn’t concentrate well or read a few pages of a book without rereading them several times. I was put on a SMALL dose of Adderall and my cardiologist didn’t mind it at all since it gave me energy to exercise and feel better.
Despite that, I preferred to stop taking it when I noticed it was elevating my heart rate. And I didn’t feel comfy about it! Glad I did. I never liked its after effect! And maybe I didn’t need it in my case!
I’m ok.
I am a strong believer that natural remedies can do wonders in such cases. I always try to find an answer in the nature before taking any strong medicine. I don’t have experience with ADHD myself, but yoga practises and meditation courses really helped one of my friends that was dealing with ADHD at that time. Also guided therapy sessions can also considerably improve your state of being. This online platform provides a great amount of useful information about ADHD and how to properly address it without using any medications. I believe it be very useful for you.
I am a strong believer that natural remedies can do wonders in such cases. I always try to find an answer in the nature before taking any strong medicine. I don’t have experience with ADHD myself, but yoga practises and meditation courses really helped one of my friends that was dealing with ADHD at that time. Also guided therapy sessions can also considerably improve your state of being. This online platform provides a great amount of useful information about ADHD and how to properly address it without using any medications. I believe it be very useful for you.
I found meditation, yoga, regular fiction reading and reading, mindfulness, switching to a Whole Foods plant based diet, anti depressants, magnesium, guided You Tube meditations, time in nature, being in school and painting all helped with ADHD, depression, anxiety, sleep
I found meditation, yoga, regular fiction reading and reading, mindfulness, switching to a Whole Foods plant based diet, anti depressants, magnesium, guided You Tube meditations, time in nature, being in school and painting all helped with ADHD, depression, anxiety, sleep
I got help from ADHD and numerous other conditions (diabetes, excema, massive inflammation, sleep disorders) with the opposite diet—a 100% animal-based ketogenic diet. I also found magnesium useful.
I got help from ADHD and numerous other conditions (diabetes, excema, massive inflammation, sleep disorders) with the opposite diet—a 100% animal-based ketogenic diet. I also found magnesium useful.

That is very interesting, i presume the diabetes was helped by the lack of Carbs therefore very low insulin levels and the eczema by the improved gut flora.

interesting stuff
I got help from ADHD and numerous other conditions (diabetes, excema, massive inflammation, sleep disorders) with the opposite diet—a 100% animal-based ketogenic diet. I also found magnesium useful.
Keto is cool if you keep the fat out of your diet
That is very interesting, i presume the diabetes was helped by the lack of Carbs therefore very low insulin levels and the eczema by the improved gut flora.

interesting stuff
Fat is the enemy not carbs
Keto is killing hearts

The scientists looked at the cellular impact of ketones on the heart and found that when ketones are formed, they can have a detrimental impact on your heart, causing permanent scar tissue to form, which itself hinders the heart's ability to pump blood properly.Feb 18, 2021

A Keto Diet May Cause Heart Scarring and Permanent Cell
I got help from ADHD and numerous other conditions (diabetes, excema, massive inflammation, sleep disorders) with the opposite diet—a 100% animal-based ketogenic diet. I also found magnesium useful. looked at the,ability to pump blood properly.

So I read the link provided and this is their conclusion it's an extract from that study....

It's far far from conclusive.

I much prefer facts rather than supposition


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I refer you back to this

So I read the link provided and this is their conclusion it's an extract from that study....

It's far far from conclusive.

I much prefer facts rather than supposition
[/QUOTE]"How is your approach to treating heart disease unique?

My program is a nutrition-based therapy that has been scientifically-proven to reverse heart disease. Coronary angiograms (X-Rays) of the patients in my study show an actual reversal of the disease. To experience these benefits, my patients must stick to my plant-based diet program strictly, but the effects are more than worth the effort. For those that are very sick, it is the most effective treatment option–far less dangerous and more effective than invasive surgical procedures such as stents and bypass (except in acute emergencies), and much more effective than drugs alone. Traditional cardiology has relied on technology to ease the symptoms of heart disease, but has not addressed its causes. My approach is not another stop-gap solution, it prevents heart disease from occurring in those who don’t yet have the disease, and it heals the body and reverses the disease when symptoms are present

Best of all, over time the benefits endure and continue to improve. I am always excited when I see arrest and reversal in patient after patient and their joy and relief when they are free of the disease that was destroying them.?

There's fact--keto is pro fat and pro inflammatory---Low fat vegan diet is the best diet..Period.
I was recently diagnosed with a Bicuspid aortic valve and an aortic root aneurysm with a dilation of 3.8 at age 27. I was prescribed Adderall a few years (unaware of my heart conditions at time) and it improved my life drastically. It was the first time I was able to sit down and focus and keep my mind from racing around. It really slowed me down and it had a positive impact in my life. At the advice of my cardiologist, I quit taking the Adderall a month ago. I can't focus when working, and I am unable to to juggle multiple tasks at once. I have a hard time sitting still at my desk (I work from home and I am a pacer). I have an appointment with my physician this upcoming week to inform her I have quit taking the Adderall due to my heart condition.

My question to other folks who have experienced this is; What are my options and do you have any suggestions for non stimulant medications that can help me cope with my ADHD? Has anything else worked for you?

I know my physician will outline possible solutions, I am just trying to gather as much information before I meet with her so I can be comfortable with whatever decision I might make.

Welcome to the forum. With your condition of BAV and aneurism, you will find this forum an amazing resource.

Did your cardiologist explain his theory of risk, as to why had had you discontinue Adderall? My suggestion would be to ask him why and also to ask him if he could provide you links to published clinical data which supports his theory of risk. This is a very reasonable request. If he is having you discontinue a drug that has helped you function significantly, in my view, he needs to support this with the published literature on the effects of Adderall on your diagnosis.

There is published literature that abuse of amphetamines can put a person at higher risk of aortic dissection.

"Young adults who abuse amphetamines may be at greater risk of suffering a tear in the main artery leading from the heart, UT Southwestern Medical Center researchers have found."
However, I have not been able to find any literature that suggests that taking Adderall as prescribed increases risk. See below:

" Typically, a person who takes Adderall as prescribed for ADHD by a physician will not develop heart problems. Even people who have taken Adderall or similar stimulant medications to treat ADHD since childhood, and continue into adulthood, are not at risk for developing heart problems. "
I have two close relatives who were both diagnosed with ADHD several years ago. They both tried Adderall and, although it helped them concentrate, it made them feel anxious and they both chose to discontinue after several months. Their problems with not being able to function soon returned. Their psychiatrist recommended that they try Fluoxetine (Prozac) and it was a game changer for both of them. They went from non-functioning to functioning within days. It was remarkable.
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Keto is cool if you keep the fat out of your diet

With no carbs and no fat, you die. The key to keto os
Fat is the enemy not carbs
Keto is killing hearts

The scientists looked at the cellular impact of ketones on the heart and found that when ketones are formed, they can have a detrimental impact on your heart, causing permanent scar tissue to form, which itself hinders the heart's ability to pump blood properly.Feb 18, 2021

A Keto Diet May Cause Heart Scarring and Permanent Cell
That’s based on a crap rat study. They also have similar studies showing improved heart function on a ketogenic diet. In fact, that is measureable for me. I have regular ct scans and cardiac MRIs. My EF has improved on a ketogenic diet. I have no scarring or calcium score
With no carbs and no fat, you die. The key to keto os

That’s based on a crap rat study. They also have similar studies showing improved heart function on a ketogenic diet. In fact, that is measureable for me. I have regular ct scans and cardiac MRIs. My EF has improved on a ketogenic diet. I have no scarring or calcium score
Nonsense: Cardiologist praises Mediterranean diet, says keto and paleo diets are bad for the heart

Keep being addicted to being right genius..That ego of yours is driving you to diets that will lead to an early on Garth !))
To get back to the original poster - make sure you tell your cardiologist that the lack of the Adderall is coming close to making you disabled. A lot of times docs change up medications to be ideal but if their prescription "breaks" something else they can reevaluate what is pragmatically the best for you. For example my father in law gets foot pain and swelling from statins that make it difficult to even walk around the house or sleep. He had a serious heart attack and would normally be on these but the quality of life issues mean it's not good FOR HIM. Your primary care doc can go to bat for you because they see the whole person and how they are functioning. It is a question of managing risk. You definitely need a good solution for your ADHD and hopefully you can resume or tweak the meds that have been so transformative for you. Good luck !
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