a stupid question for weight lifters

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Professional Dingbat, Guru and Merkintologist
Nov 4, 2012
Queensland, OzTrayLeeYa
commenting on another subject I started watching Roy and HG and they posed an interesting question which I thought perhaps TheGymGuy could provide some insight.

[ link ]

Dunno ... never looked into it myself ;-)
I am thinking ( and I wish I wasn't ) that 1) if it is true it is diet ,supplement and low fuild intake creating an evacuation problem
And 2) leakage is probably a much more realstic and unpleasant side effect of lifting strain.
Certainly age, laughter, coughing,childbirth and prostate surgeries all have that in common.
/:0 Ahh the human body in all its glory!
Heart2.0;n848096 said:
I..., coughing,childbirth and prostate surgeries all have that in common.
Ahh the human body in all its glory!

Although not many of the population get three out of three on that list ;-)