A Set Back

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Well-known member
Jan 23, 2004
Joplin, Missouri
As most you know that read my posts I've had numerous health problems over the last four years. Just last June I was diagnosed with CML (chronic myeloid leukemia) and am taking the miracle drug "Gleevec." As of September of 2003 I have been in complete remission. I had a doctor's appointment with my oncologist yesterday and my last F.I.S.H. test came back positive for the Phildelphia Chromosime (about 86%.) I had obtained 0% for seven months. Nevertheless I was so disappointed. I'm afraid this will push back my AVR heart surgery. The heart doctor would like me to be in 0% remission before he performs the surgery. Well, glory be, so would I! So all you start praying that I can get the terrible CML under control again. I'm supposed to have a CAT scan tomorrow on my right side. I just pray it's not my right kidney. That's the only one I have. I still sincerely believe that God is in control and He's not through with me yet.

All of you are such encouragers and it's wonderful to be able to relate to people that are going or that have gone through the same thing.
Glenda I'm sorry to hear about that result. Keep the faith no matter which way this goes. I'll continue to keep you in my thoughts and prayers.
I am so sorry to hear about this, Glenda. We had another member (Zazzy) who developed lukemia after her heart surgery and she, too was on Gleevec and is in remission.

I pray that your results will come to the right numbers so that you can have the heart treatment that you need to keep you going.
Hi Glenda

I definitely will keep you in my prayers...consider yourself added to my list.

I'm so sorry for this setback, but with everyone praying, it will work out.


I just read your post on joy on another thread and was touched. May you find a few moments of joy today, despite your setback.

I will pray for you.

I'm so sorry to hear this news. You've done it before, and you'll do it again. Get that back into remission. Miracles do happen. This board has many of them.

You will be in my thoughts and prayers, that it happens swiftly for you so you can get on with the AVR.

God Bless.

You are in my prayers. You may know the song that speaks of having Joy, in the time of sorrow and Peace..in the raging storm. Well, that is my prayer for you as well as for your remission.
You will certainly remain in my prayers. May God carry you through this difficult time and find comfort in His hope.
Thanks everyone for the prayers. I sincerely appreciate them all.

I am in contact with Zazzy by e-mail about once a week. I met her through the CML web site. She got CML after her heart surgery. I've had it about a year. Her and I have so much in common. She sounds like a wonderful person.
Prayers are coming your way for a speedy step back into remission!!

You have been so thoughtful and caring to me and all the others going through surgery and other problems. I hope and pray you go back into remission soon so the doctors can get your valve fixed up. I will be praying for you...and miracles DO happen to the people on this forum. It's your turn!
Hi Glenda!

Sorry to hear about your setback....you are definitely in my thoughts and prayers! :)
Keep your chin up and keep thinking positive thoughts....I am confident that you will come through this time with flying colors!!

Consider yourself added to my prayer list! Keep positive thoughts. I know you can beat this!

I,m thinking of you, too, Glenda. You post such sweet things..so I know you will beat this setback and get that VR.surgery done..and get on with life. :) :) :) Bonnie