A scary incident...

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Thank you all so much for your replies. I must say, I did wonder if a silent MI was a possibility but given that they are over so fast, I kinda ruled it out. I've read somewhere that a heart attack lasts for 30 mins or something so I thought that couldn't be it, but other than the severe chest pain, it pretty much looked and felt how I would think an MI does, so I won't be too shocked if it turns out to be small mi's.

I think I've pretty much made up my mind now that next time it happens, I'll call and ambulance. It hadn't occurred to me that there would be tell-tale enzymes and things so thank you for that pointer :) I still feel unwell; shaky and hot and just, off really, so I will go to the ER next time.

You've all been so helpful and I'm very grateful for the advice and validation that I'm not being dramatic :D

Thanks again, Lynn
You need to go to the Emergency Room and describe what happened. I don't like the nausea, going gray, sweating, the uncontrollable shaking and your heart flipping around. I agree with all who said it could be a possible heart attack or impending heart attack and you should have those enzymes checked out.

I am at a loss for words that your doctor shrugged you off with these very serious symptoms. He should have at least checked out your heart enzymes himself.

I also agree with others who have said you need an event monitor.

These just aren't normal symptoms. There are red flags all over the place.

Hi Nancy, I hope you're well? Yeah I know... there seems to be this ethos of doing nothing about anything until you're so ill it's an emergency. I don't know if it's money based or just apathy. It could be that they don't believe me or think it's insignificant... I can't decide. My gp is great to be fair, he always takes me seriously but when he refers me to my cardio about an issue, it all grinds to a bit of a halt. My cardio is a lovely man but I think he's just of the 'wait and see what happens' school of thought so until I turn up in the ER at death's door, I suspect he'll do very little.
The heart "flopping like a fish on the beach" sounds like some sort of Arrhythmia.

As many have said, Ask for an Event Monitor.

'AL Capshaw'
Having just spent the last month with my friend David in and out of the hospital, I would say you should definitely be tested for endocarditis. This sounds so much like what he went through, rigors, panic like attacks, fevers and he never got it checked out until he went to the ER and had to have emergency heart surgery. So, I would really say you ought to go get it checked out immediately before you are in an emergency situation!

All the best, Betsy
I have panic attacks but not anything as bad as you describe. I did think I was having a heart attack the first time and went to the hospital. I would have it checked out to be sure. Good luck to you.
Hi everyone, thanks so much again for all your replies and advice. I'm definitely going to go to hospital when/if it happens again so if I get any answers, I'll let you know.

Thanks again, Lynn

I urge you not to wait until it happens again. If it is endocarditis, the longer you wait the worse it can get. I believe the doc can do blood cultures and or echos to try to see what might be going on, simple non-invasive tests. Here is a link:


I just went through my friend who waited and did not get a proper diagnosis until it was an emergency situation...not fun! What is the sense in waiting if you could be helped now with antibiotics? Please take this seriously and get someone to listen to you who can get some tests done for you. Keep us posted...

All the best, Betsy
Hi Betsy, thank you so much for your concern. I've been in touch with my cardiologist and he's given me an event recorder for a month but he didn't seem to think endocarditis was very likely...

I'll hope - if I've got to have more of these odd events - that one happens while I've got this monitor and not the day after I give it back!

Thanks so much again, I really value you all and your kindness.

That sounds great, Lynn. Did he convince YOU with his reasoning that it was not likely endocarditis? I hope the monitor picks up some clues as to what is going on. Best wishes and I wish you good health!

All the best, Betsy
Hey Lynn,

Hope you're feeling better. After reading through this thread I think you should find a new cardiologist. I was first diagnosed with mitral valve prolapse when I was about 6 so I've known all my life that I've had mvp. But two years ago when I become very symptomatic (afib, shortness of breach, constantly cough, constant fatigue, etc.) I asked my doctors why and whether it could be related to my MVP. Both my cardio and general physician said that my symptoms were just stressed related and that since I worked in a high stress industry it was inevitable. I tried a bunch of stress relaxation techniques but my job demands got worse as I got more senior and none of my symptoms were alleviated. Well finally last spring I went back to my cardiologist and said this cannot be normal and I wanted to know if it was related to my MVP. Well, he said that it was highly unlikely related to my MVP and kept to the "it's just stress line." He also mentioned that if I wanted to bother with a bunch of tests than at least I could rule out my MVP as a factor.

So after an echo which he said showed moderate to severe regurgitation he sent me to a hearth rhythm clinic. They gave me a holter and when I said what happens if my symptoms don't appear in 24 hours they gave me an event recorder for 35 days. So, as it turns out the hearth rhythm doc sent me to see some surgeons.

One of the surgeons I saw said that 40% (I think that is very high) of cardiologists are not up to speed on the current heart guidelines and basically have no clue. He also said that the heart rhythm doctor was very intelligent for sending me to a surgeon because a surface echo really cannot tell you anything. When they did a TEE (echo with a probe down your throat) they were able to see the extent of the rupture in my valve (a lot!) and that both jets of blood were angled right up against my lungs which is likely why my shortness of breath is so severe.

Anyway my surgery is scheduled for December 5, 2008 and I am feeling thankful that this was caught while they still think there is a good chance they can repair the valve and not have to replace it.

Long story short, you need to be your own best advocate so find a second cardiologist and make sure someone runs a full battery of tests on you and gives you real answers about why you are having these episodes b/c they sound totally abnormal and very dangerous.
Dear Lyn,

I hope you are feeling better & I agree with others that you need to get yourself another cardiologist! The episodes you are having are NOT normal & should be addressed ASAP!

Wishing you all the best always!!
I hope your cardio at least did an ekg to look for heart attack. Not to frighten you, but that sounds an awful lot like my heart attack.
Hi everyone, thanks so much again for your replies and to sparklette for sharing your story.

I constantly feel as though my cardio thinks I'm just a hypochondriac and I have to say Jkm, I think it could well be heart attacks too, so I really hope this monitor catches one and I'm vindicated. It sounds ridiculous to say that but I honestly do feel that htey take no notice and as Sparklette found, pass symptoms off as anything but heart related until such times as it's shoved under their noses that you aren't just a drama queen.

Norma and Betsy, I'm sure you're both - all - right about needing another cardiologist but the problem is, the one I have is widely touted to be the best of teh best of the best, sir! Everyone I ever speak to says the same; he's the main man and you won't get better than him...

I just really, really hope I have one of these episodes while I've got this monitor and then I'll finally have something solid to show them. I still intend to call an ambulance if/when I have another one but at least if the worst is over by the time they arrive, I can say 'well go print this off...'

Thanks again so much for all your help, I really appreciate it
