A rough couple of weeks...

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Well-known member
Apr 10, 2005
SW Michigan
I haven't been online a lot lately as I've been very busy in the volunteer realm, have been diligently exercising, and I've been dealing with sick teenagers.

Starting March 27, my son came down with a sore throat followed by symptoms of a common cold. Days later, on March 31, we left for Spring Break in Aruba. My son was mildly ill the entire trip, not wanting to do much of anything, but not disabled either. That was stressful because it's hard to let your kid sit in a hotel room for a week+ when you've gone through the trouble to travel great distances for wonderful weather and new experiences in a foreign land. But sit he did, for the most part. On one of the flights home he had a big coughing fit and threw up--NOT into the airsick bag and NOT because of airsickness. He repeated that performance a couple times on Easter Sunday and went to school feeling crummy on the following Monday--he'd missed two days before break and couldn't afford to miss more. I took him to the doctor's after school that Monday where he was diagnosed with a sinus infection and given a prescription for augmentin. He continued to go to school and mentioned sometime late in the week that he couldn't breathe for a minute or so after coughing and wondered if he might have asthma. "No, honey, you can't just 'catch' asthma," I said and pretty much forgot about it. On Tuesday evening (April 10th, now) I witnessed a coughing spell. It lasted about 30 seconds without a breath (that's a REALLY long time) and was followed by another minute of loud "whooping" inspirations and vomiting. Holy moley, was I ever freaked out! "Is THAT what you meant by not being able to breath???," I asked. He confirmed that it was what he meant.

Well, after consulting with friend Nurse Mary, I headed for the trusty computer and googled "coughing followed by sucking for air." Hit after hit referred to whooping cough. Off to the doctors we went first thing in the morning. I told the doctor of Henry's history (which SO fit whooping cough) and was told, "no, no, it's viral...when we see hoof prints we think horses not zebras." I acknowledged that he was probably right, but requested that he be tested for whooping cough anyway. The kindly doc humored me: chest xray, blood panel, Pertussis nasal swab: all negative. Mom still not convinced (because while waiting for results I had--thank you google--discovered they were likely to be negative now that we were three weeks into the illness).

Flash forward to Sunday night, April 29: My daughter has a big coughing fit (and had been coughing--"but really, it's just a cold," I told myself--for at least two weeks) followed by fruitless inspirations for at least a minute, finished off by vomiting. Ugh!!! Off to the doctors we go (different doc from son's). I present the doctor with my documentation of my son's illness and my suspicions. He listens intently, leaves the room for a minute or two during which we can hear him outside telling his nurse he's going to prescribe zithromycin for my daughter, my husband and myself. He comes back in and tells me he is "highly suspicious" of whooping cough and is going to treat us all and test my daughter.

This morning I received the call: the test is positive for pertussis. Call the school, call my son's doctor, call the mom of the kids she babysits for, call the mom of the kid who carpools with us, stands next to her in choir and performed closely with her last weekend, talk with the county health department, family, school some more, health department some more, friends...whew! I'm drained.

Whooping cough is not what you might think in these days of immunization. Both kids had been fully and appropriately immunized. Symptoms are fairly mild in that they are infrequent--my kids only coughed 5-7 times a day at peak (actually, my daughter's just now peaking, so who knows), whereas in the the pre-immunization days (from whence the textbook descriptions come) people had 50+ bouts a day. Between coughing fits they are fine--clear lungs, no fever, feel just fine. Doctors don't diagnose it because they think of it as an illness of extreme coughing that surely they would recognize and diagnose; they don't see the coughing themselves and think the patients are exaggerating; they assume it's been immunized out of the population; and they've never seen a case before so don't really know what to look for. The coughing fits are pretty awful; there's no breathing for at least a minute and there's a lot of fruitless inspiring while family looks on helplessly and the patient recognizes they haven't breathed for a while and gets really scared that they'll pass out before they breathe again! (Although, I've read that this varies greatly and some cases get no apnea, whooping or vomiting--just the long coughing jags that hang on for weeks.)

So...if it's been five years since your last tetanus shot, go get one that includes pertussis. If you have a cough that persists past two weeks and is followed by apnea or forceful inspiration or vomiting, get to a doctor and insist on pertussis testing--a PCR test and a nasal culture. As crummy as it is for the average healthy adolescent or adult, it is far worse for infants and those with immunity issues--there can be dire consequences or even death.

The immunity conferred by vaccinations begins to wane after five years, some say that's because we are no longer routinely exposed to it, thus allowing our immune systems to bolster resistance, so after ten years the vaccinations need replenishing in the form of a booster. Kids generally finish their Pertussis vaccination series when they are five years old. My son is not yet fifteen and my daughter is 16--people their age and older are the new face of the disease because of their diminished immunity and they spread it to the kids too young to have been fully immunized.

My son is still coughing/whooping/vomiting, although days pass between episodes. My daughter is just ramping up. Wish us luck and hope those they've exposed manage to dodge the bullet.

Good night.


That sounds terrrible. We shouldn't overlook the good work done by the second Dr., but it seems like there are so many circumstances when the patient's recovery depends on medical work done for himself, or by his Mom in this case.
Sheesh, you need some excitement in your life. Sorry to hear it happened, but outside of this, how was the trip to Aruba? Glad to know you all didn't kidnapped and disappear.
Your poor family!!!

I had read that Whooping Cough was having an upsurge and that adults were having the hardest time with it.

Wishing full health for all of you.
it seems like there are so many circumstances when the patient's recovery depends on medical work done for himself

Isn't that the truth, Dennis? I have become very reluctant to accept medical advice at face value and feel more and more strongly, with so many stories I hear on VR.com, that the patient who does not advocate for himself, or have someone to advocate for him, can really jeopardize his care.

Sheesh, you need some excitement in your life

Nothing at all compared to what you've endured, Ross. Kinda makes me feel like a whiner.... Aruba was very relaxing. We hung out by the pool drinking cocktails a lot (particularly during happy hour), did some snorkeling, fishing (translation: riding around in 2-3 foot seas watching a guy bait and rebait hooks while getting drenched and laughing our @$$es off!), waterskiing (daughter), sailing (husband), and playing cards and shuffleboard. We spent a few hours in the casinos too, but eventually got driven away by the cigarette smoke. We went to some nice restaurants and toured the island a tiny bit.

Karlynn, I almost suggested we meet when I heard you were coming this way, but I thought I'd spare you the possibility of pertussis. Maybe another time?

As always, thanks for the empathy.
I'm sorry your family has been hit with this, Thank God everyone is on the way to recovery.I can't even imagine all the calls you had to make, you must of been driving your self nuts trying to make sure you thought of everyone.
For some reason our family is one of the ones that hoovs mean zebras too,
except for the sickness, your vaca sounds perfect. I need to run away to a warm island w/ cocktails. That stinks your son was able to enjoy it, sound like the perfect vacation for a family with teens.
PJ.. I am so sorry to hear this.. 3 years ago my oldest 2 both had whopping cough as well, and it took the doc several weeks to finally LISTEN to me and test them.. and low and behold they had it!

Also this winter my friend and 3 of her kids had it.. their doc kept telling them it was just a virus and would go away.. well after they infected her neice/nephew.. another doc tested and discovered it.. IN the mean time they had come into close contact with MANY people..too numerous to contact.
I dont' think all docs are tuned into the resurge of this nasty nasty bug!

Mumps is also making a big return!

Hope your family is feeling better soon!
Lynn, one of my friends who is in the medical field emailed me, "your family's health issues are all outside of the box! You can't have a little plaque in your arteries, you have to have valve disease and an aortic aneurysm, Hank can't skin his knee rollerblading, he has to break his pelvis, and now this!" Somehow I'm SURE you can relate!:rolleyes:

just a virus

HA!!! You KNOW I hear that, Marky! Silly, I know, but misery does like company! Thanks for sharing.:eek:
goodness! what an ordeal you all are going through! so sorry to read your lousy news! sending hugs & prayers your way for speedy recoveries for everyone!
Sorry to hear this :(

Perhaps when the 2'nd Dr. left the room he went and googled for the symptoms too! :p

Even with all the crackpot stuff out there to sift through, Google is still the greatest advancement in patient care to come around recently.

Wishing you all more wellness this week.
