A Note from Freddie

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VR.org Supporter
Supporting Member
Jul 19, 2007
Its been a little crazy, hope this works. This is the short version on what I was given;
Freddie would like to express her thanks for all members expressing their concerns. Although she deeply regrets for rubbing knightfan the wrong way.
A note for Bina: the flu shot was done before she got herself to the ER, which was Friday about 12noon.
The pain Freddie was feeling was do to muscle. No big deal, except she still feels the pain today. They are keeping her over the weekend because her blood pressure was/is a little low. That would explain the lightheadedness she has felt the last couple of days.
"Come hell or high water I'm leaving here on Monday!" were the words I heard this morning. "I'm NOT missing my dental appointment". She is peed off with this hole ordeal (I'm to use the word "flustered"). Thats about all I can say. She'll be fine, and thanks for your concern.
You people are more important to her than her own family. I was to notify VR before anyone else.
Thank-you for being here for her when I can't.
Freddie's better half Tim
Tim let her be pissed off, it's better to find it's nothing then to find she's filling with fluid or worse. I'd rather it be nothing! Thanks for updating us.
Thanks for the update, Tim. I'm glad to hear it wasn't anything too serious but sorry she had to admitted. Still, it's good they are monitoring her BP. I hope she's feeling better.
Freddie said:
Freddie would like to express her thanks for all members expressing their concerns. Although she deeply regrets for rubbing knightfan the wrong way.

No need for her to regret it ... as I noted in that post, I, too, know full well the not wanting to call the doctor and instead get reassurance from others who've "been there".

Freddie said:
The pain Freddie was feeling was do to muscle. No big deal, except she still feels the pain today.

I'm VERY glad it was just muscle, as was suspected. But, as others have noted, better to be safe than sorry....

Thoughts/prayers continue coming her way ... and here's hoping she IS released on Monday :).

Cort:34swm."Mr Monte Carlo.Mr Road Trip".pig valve.pacemaker
WRMNshowcase.lego.HO.model.MCs.RT.CHD = http://www.chevyasylum.com/cort
"Sometimes it seems like this world's closing in on me" ... Bad English ... 'When I See You Smile'
Hey, Tim. We in VR always get very concerned when one of us is having a problem and we cluster around that member until the issue is resolved. She has experienced the friendship and caring from VR and it extends to you. Thanks for reporting and tell her we miss her. We're leaving the light on for her...........
Hi Tim

You can "ditto" what Henslyee just said for me too....Please give Freddie our best.

UPDATE from the otherhalf

UPDATE from the otherhalf

Wow, what kind words you have all expressed.
I printed them off and brought them to Freddie this morning. Like everything else it made her cry. Her blood pressure has been stable, so it looks like I'm taking her to the dentist then returning her to the hospital for an echo and whatever else they have planned. It appears that they cannot locate the results of an echo that was taken around Sept.6. She figured "while I'm here lets get it done and get a copy".

Freddie's other half - Tim
Just a few words of my own.
I would like to personal thank the one who developed this site. I work out of town all week and this is the best thing that has come into Freddie's life, besides me and of course our son.
I would also like to thank JimL (?) and maybe Jan(?) for helping me out on chat yesterday. Hope everyone got the message.
I'm still some what concerned about clots that could form even when Freddie is on warfarin. Is there anythings else that could happen after this valve replacement? I was under the impression she was good to go after the operation. I beginning to feel that we have been left in the dark about this.

Once again Thank-you to you all. I'm sure freddie will posting something by tonight.

P.S. Bina: I'll be sitting by the door if she tries to escape.
Freddie said:
I would like to personal thank the one who developed this site. I work out of town all week and this is the best thing that has come into Freddie's life, besides me and of course our son.
I would also like to thank JimL (?) and maybe Jan(?) for helping me out on chat yesterday. Hope everyone got the message.
That would be Mr. Hank Eyring, Founder and owner of this site. This site could not and would not exist without the help of the members. Many many have come through the doors, done their thing, and moved on. Some have stayed to help others. I am one who stayed.
Tim, I feel the same way. Post op my cardio said "you are fixed, get on with your life", obviously he has never had OHS.:D I don't worry much about clots, because Coumadin works very well, but what concerns me is my heart rhythm issues, lack of sleep some nights, and the dependancy on meds.
Most people just breeze through everything, not so for me.
We need to learn "acceptance" of our individual situations and limitations, and gratitude for our accomplishments.:)
When Hank had his valve replacement, he couldn't find enough info on the net so he started VR with about 8 others (all of it then e-mail) in about 1998. He knew there were others who needed information. I joined in 2000 when there were less than 100 members and watched it become what it is today. It is an amazing site. Many have come and gone. Some stay and guide/help/support others who come on by to sit awhile. Some of us make long lasting friendships and just consider everybody family. Most of us have never seen each other in person. I have met only Bonnie but hope to meet Cort in November.
Freddie said:
Is there anythings else that could happen after this valve replacement? I was under the impression she was good to go after the operation. I beginning to feel that we have been left in the dark about this.

Everyone is different. My Cardio and Surgeon also said "you are fixed, so get on with your life". Easier said than done after such major surgery. It takes time for the body (and mind) to recuperate. At my one year anniversary, I was still questioning whether I'd ever be 100% again. However, now I'm 20 months post-op and feeling much much better, physically and mentally. Could anything go wrong now? Who knows? But one lesson I learned from the OHS experience is that life is fickle. There's no guarantees for even the healthiest of us, so now I try to live each day one at a time.

Best wishes to you and Freddie. Hope she's feeling better and gets home soon.