A man at work/Chris at home

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If this is too much for you all, let me know and I'll take them off.


Every part of that looks painful, but it does look like it's working, doesn't look infected. So, the pain will go away in time. As long as he can keep his foot, everything else is temporary, however uncomfortable.

Good pics for your victim inpact statements.
While that looks nasty now, it's better then what I saw Saturday. We're taking PURPLE Saturday, even I was getting scared. Nurse is still freaked by it and put a call into the Doctor. Waiting for the call back, but I think it's settling down now.

Next op will be shaving and contouring it to more closely match the foot and add more skin.
I second the "looks awful painful"! Other than that, I thought it looked not bad either. Swelling tells me that the working cells are there trying to do their job. Keep us posted!!
Looks painful, but my initial thought was it's amazing the body can be mended like that.

Wishing you good luck from here out!
Ditto to Nancy's statements. He must keep his eye on the prize, i.e. keeping the foot. I can't even begin to imagine what he has experienced. Hang in there Chris.
Plastic surgeon will see him tomorrow instead of Friday. I don't think there is any concern, but the home health care nurse does, so better safe then sorry.


I just ate supper!! You should have put a PG-13 rating on this thread for those of us who are squeamish!!

Just glad that your son is doing better. I am wondering how his girlfriend is and her family after the loss of her mother in the accident.

You are in my thoughts and prayers that Chris will heal 100%. He is such a cute young man.

Christina L
Hi Ross, I've been away from the board for a lil while and was very excited to find this post...I'm glad to see Chris is home and I'm still sending my thoughts, prayers and best wishes for all the upcoming events you guys still face. Those pictures are something else, you know I'm in the PT field and see post op patients all day. Never anything even close to his foot. Wow!

Definately gotta agree with Christina too, He is a cutie!
Yeah, Ross, ditto what Phyllis said............

Yeah, Ross, ditto what Phyllis said............

We are keeping y'all close in our prayers. I truly hope that y'all got good news. Love ya. J.
My thoughts and prayers are with you all. I hope there is good news from the plastic surgeon!!

Phyllis said:
How did things go with the plastic surgeon appt., Ross?
Sorry, been so busy I forgot to update.

Doc says looks great. Removed the staples and told him to soak it in the tub to get the dried blood off and find any staples that were hidden in the dried blood, then remove them. He changed his 4 to 6 weeks surgery thing to months instead. Opps on his part. He has another appt on Friday to see the Ortho who is thinking about putting him in a fixator to straighten his foot up. Chris is not going to like that one bit.
Sounds wonderful!

Chris might not like what they are doing to him at the moment. But he definitely won't like it later on in his life if he doesn't take care of things while they are still fixable. And this is his life, not any one else's. So HE has to make the right decisions. Straigntening out his foot sounds like an absolute necessity.

Short term pain, for long term gain.
Thanks, Ross- so relieved to hear this news. A long road ahead, but at least things are looking up!!:D
Glad to hear the report!! Keep your support for Chris coming and we will keep ours comining as well! God Bless!

It makes my heart (with its 100,000 mile tune-up) glad to see the progress Chris and your family have made so far. I know the road ahead will be long and hard for all of you but what a difference a few weeks and thousands of prayers can make. I thought the following might be appropriate. We must always remember to thank the Lord for his blessings even if the answers we receive are not the ones we asked for. I can remember the despair in your posts at the start of this latest journey for you, Lyn, Chris and his extended family.

God has richly blessed your family and I pray He continues.


(1 Chr 16:34) O give thanks to the LORD, for he is good; for his steadfast love endures forever.