A Couple of Drinks While on Warfarin, How Much is Okay?

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Well-known member
Aug 8, 2010
I had my open heart surgery on July 12th of 2010, I got my aortic valve replaced with a mechanical one so I am now on 6mg of Warfarin, I take a full tablet everyday except Mondays (only half) and my INR level has to be from 2.5 - 3.5. I haven't drank in around two years and I'm planning on having 2-3 glasses of wine tomorrow for this event I'm attending. So I was wondering, Do you guys see any harm that can come from this and how much can this actually affect my INR levels?

A couple glasses of wine should do no harm, but it may affect your INR slightly. The INR effect depends on a lot of variables. For me, my INR usually "went higher" depending on what and how much I drank. Anything, in moderation, usually is OK while on warfarin, but sudden changes in diet or drinking habits often cause dosage adjustments.....and hangovers.
A couple glasses of wine should do no harm, but it may affect your INR slightly. The INR effect depends on a lot of variables. For me, my INR usually "went higher" depending on what and how much I drank. Anything, in moderation, usually is OK while on warfarin, but sudden changes in diet or drinking habits often cause dosage adjustments.....and hangovers.

Thanks for the prompt reply! If I understood correctly, some drinks increase your INR more than others? If so, how can I go about about finding out what drinks are "safer".

From my understanding and like what Dick said, 1 or 2 bevies will make little difference on your INR. I'm a lifer on ACT. OK, OK I've only been on warfarin since Mar 21/11, but I am lifer! Does that count? I'm working over a couple of brewskies fairly regular and my INR continues to drop. Then again I am a very athletic boy and > my times and physical output weekly. OK, OK I'm a gray haired 56 year old entering his second child hood. Get out their and socialize, a couple of "what ever's" is AOK as far as my limited experience and knowledge takes me.

Dude, know this 11/2 ounces in a shot of rye, a glass of wine or a bottle of beer makes no difference. It all effects your INR the same. It's what is used as the mix. I would highly suggest NOT having a Crantini [cranberry juice and gin drink]. If you have a Caesar, do not substitute the Celery stick for a Broccoli bunch. LOL! Go live it up and know when to switch to water!

On occasion, I've enjoyed two glasses of wine or two drinks (margarita or martini) over one evening. I have a couple of those evenings coming up next month, when I go to a convention in the D.C. area.
Just don't get drunk as a skunk and fall! Or make an asp of yourself and not know you're doing so!!!
My surgeon recommended to have a glass of red wine everyday, to bad I don't drink wine.
Personally I wouldn't fret about having a couple of drinks.

Go and enjoy yourself.
There probably isn't much reason about drinking in moderation. There are factors in red wine (but not in whites, apparently) that can have an effect on INR if you drink too much of it. I sometimes share a bottle of something white with my wife, and haven't had any issues with INR that I can attribute to the wine. As Catwoman said - be careful not to fall (if you drink too much).

And, as many have said (including me), try to be consistent with whatever you eat or drink. That way, you can adjust your dose to match your diet.

Alcohol can effect people differently. In some cases it will raise your INR, and in others It will lower it.
Frequent testing, (once a week), should tell you how it effects you personaly. As always, consistancy is the key, so if you are prone to having a few drinks a night, that's OK, your Coumadin intake can be adjusted to accomodate.

Here is a pretty good article on this topic.



If your a beer lover, know that the benefits of beer are similar to red wine. Snoop around on the net and you will find some interesting studies comparing the health benefits of beer to red wine.

Hey Rob

It's weird that in some folks the INR is lowered when AL is consumed. Like you said, frequent testing will indicate how the body reacts.
Erm, I have, in the past, given the alcohol/warfarin - INR question a serious workout. I have never seen a change in my INR in the days after drinking more alcohol than any of you have confessed to.
I don't drink like that any more, in case you were wondering.

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