A Brief Intro - Surgery Monday, March 11

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Active member
Mar 3, 2013
Salt Lake City, UT
I’ve been in whirlwind for a handful of weeks. In February I go see my primary care physician for the flu. He wasn’t in so I see his physician’s assistant. The PA doesn’t want to talk about the flu though. She wants to talk about the sound of my heart. Within a week I’m meeting with a cardiologist, getting an echo and CT scan done, and meeting with a cardio-thoracic surgeon. I now have surgery scheduled for Monday, March 11.

The recent echo and CT confirmed that I have a bicuspid aortic valve and a dilated aorta of 5.6cm. Since the diagnosis a couple of weeks ago I’ve found this community and appreciate the information and support provided. You’ve certainly helped me prepare for things to come as I’ve been lurking.

This has all caught me by surprise as I’m asymptomatic. I’m a 38 year old active male. I enjoy cycling (both mountain and road), weight lifting, and playing basketball. My wife and kids have taken this all in stride and I appreciate their strength and support.

On Monday my surgeon will perform an aortic valve replacement and replacement of the ascending aorta. I will be admitted to the hospital tomorrow. I still haven’t decided on a valve choice. I’m well informed of the pros and cons with each, but as has been debated by this community, the choice is unique for each individual. I will make the final choice with the surgeon tomorrow.

I’ve found this community to be an invaluable resource as my family and I have prepared for surgery. Thank you for the support and I look forward to becoming a mainstay in this community.
Hi Bracken. Welcome and it seems you have a pretty good handle on your situation. Probably a good thing that your time between diagnosis and surgery is not far apart.....little time to dwell on "what-ifs". Good luck to you and come back after the surgery. Recent recovery is a big help to the other "newbies" to OHS.
Welcome Bracken! Best of luck with your surgery. Like Dick said, it's probably a good thing surgery will happen quick so that you think about it too much and get in a funk over it. See you on the other side soon!
Welcome Bracken.
I agree with Dick & Marc you have a pretty good grasp of your situation. You are actually blessed that your time between diagnosis and surgery is not that far apart. I initially was thinking tissue valve due to a fear of being on Coumadin(Warfarin). I credit Dick and others here for not allowing this to overly influence my valve choice. I have been in the waiting room since October of 2012. I was blessed with the ability to fully research my condition , choices and my surgeon. I decided that I wanted the On-X Valve with the attached aortic conduit. I was extremely happy to learn that my surgeon implants the On-X. So when the time came when he asked me which way I wanted to go....it was a really easy straight-forward pre-determined choice for me. There is longevity and good health in my family. The idea of needing two additional surgeries to replace a tissue valve was clearly not for me. As many on this forum have stated many times. Valve choice is a very personal choice. Neither option is perfect. But,either choice is good for you because it will extend and improve the quality of your life. Either choice is much better than the BAV's that we were born with and have been living with!:thumbup: God bless your doctor's physician assistant. They may have saved your life!
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It's a big old thing to get your head around and you seem to have managed this extremely well. I concur with the posters above that not having a huge delay between diagnosis and surgery is a blessing. Good luck with the operation - this forum is a mine of information and full of caring and knowledgeable people. I'm sure they will help you along the way. I'm all for turning a negative in to a positive, but I don't see how you could ever consider going down with flu anything but a good thing on this occasion
Wishing you the very best with your surgery tomorrow! Like the others, I'm glad you didn't have to wait too long for your surgery. Longer wait means more thinking....best to get it done and get on with things.

Look forward to reading your post when you're up and about!

A brief Intro

A brief Intro

Good luck and a speedy recovery. Also thinking about your family as I think it is so hard looking from the outside in and feeling helpless at times.
Look forward to seeing your news on the post -op page
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Thank you all for the thoughts and well wishes. The surgery was Monday and all went well. I was moved from the ICU Tuesday at noon and have been recovering since. Just had my chest tubes pulled (Wednesday) and all should be downhill from here. Not exactly sure of my discharge day but it will be Thursday or Friday.

Thanks again for your strength and support. More updates later.
Great to hear everything went smoothly. As I faintly recall, pulling the chest tubes was "NO FUNNNNNN AT ALL", but maybe that has changed. It's amazing that you will be discharged in so few days.
Hey Bracken: Nice to hear things went well and you expect to be home soon. I am starting to experience that sense of peace that so many have spoke of as they get close to their surgical date. I have five days to go! I am looking forward to being on the other side and start my recooperation. So, what valve did you choose?
That's great news, Bracken! I too cannot believe you're looking at getting discharged so soon! Things will only be better once you are home!

Take care of yourself! :)
I went with a porcine tissue valve.

I was released home Friday morning. The last couple of days have been busy catching up with family and friends. And of course resting. I plan on posting about my experience in more detail in the coming days. Again this community has been an incredible support and I want to pay that forward.