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Well-known member
Nov 15, 2009
Willets-Ochre Hill NC, USA
Good afternoon folks. Haven't been around in a couple of days. Had a few days of bumps so I was laying low. But the Good news is Yesterday I came off the wound pump that has been draining the harvest-cath site. The tunnel caused by the harvest became 12cm long problem. Yesterday the home nurse Anita (yeah for Anita, Whoo Whoo, Whoo!) measured the tunnel at 2.2 cm so the vacuum pump wasn't needed any more. She will still be here M/W/F to repack the wound for the final drainage. She had to give my My Best Half, Nonnie, lessons on cleaning, packing and covering the thing. What a trooper she is. She'll be doing the care twice a day on the days Anita doesn't come. I'm feeling pretty good. I have been getting on my stationary bike and pedaling around the kitchen for 10-15 minutes each day. I have been eating a little more, but one chicken pot pie for supper is a big supper. I've now dropped to 299 from a hospital pumped upped max of 347. SO nearly 50 pounds off. I'm sleeping 6-7 hours a night now in the bed and napping for 30-45 minutes at 1pm. I'm slow but getting there. Thanks for all the good thoughts, vibes and prayers in the last month and a half.
I felt them all
It sounds like you have good progress.
My husband couldn't "stomach" my yukky incision care, so the home nurse continued to visit for several weeks. She was very reassuring and also kept track of my temp, BP, HR, etc. We were kind of overwhelmed by it all.
Keep on pedalin' :)
How to pedal around the kitchen

How to pedal around the kitchen

Very carefully, the breakfast bar will come up on me in a heart beat, but I figured out if I stop pedaling and put it into a power drift I can just miss the corner. First 27 times were a learning experience tho.
My 21 yr old son brought me some pedaling music yesterday. Hardy har har, it was the song from Wizard of Oz of the Old Lady on the bicycle. Then it went on to Born to be wild! I'll get him someday, but for now he can still out run my stationary bike.