4 years and a new milestone

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Well-known member
Nov 25, 2009
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It's been over 4 years since 1/09/07 when my mitral valve was repaired by a talented surgeon. This is the FIRST year that I didn't remember the date! I didn't obsess all day on the 9'th of January about where/how I felt x years before. I simply forgot all about it and went about my life. It's now the 30'th and I just realized that another year + 1 month has flown by! Yet another milestone in recovery :).

Thank you all for:
- your advice
- your comfort
- your watchfullness
- your willingness to listen
- your stories
- your humor
- your empathy
- and last but certainly not least, your simply BEING THERE!

I may forget the date of my surgery but I will never forget your support.

I wish you all a happy, prosperous, and most importantly a HEALTHY 2011!!

Warm Regards,
Congratulations on reaching this significant milestone, Ruth, and on achieving the peace of mind to remember the date only after the anniversary had passed. :D May you have many many more happy valversaries!
Such a nice post!! And lovely to hear from you, Ruth. It is true that time heals all wounds; even the emotional ones these events bring to us. How wonderful that you forgot long enough to realize it!! :smile2:

I hope that your health is acceptable and your face full of smiles (and your orchids thriving? do I remember correctly?).

Best wishes!

Thanks all!

Marguerite, yes, the orchids are thriving too! Actually, that's how I remembered the valversary. There's a particular very fragrant orchid that I had next to my chair during recovery and when it bloomed again this year (always in January), it reminded me! LOL, blame it on pumphead.....

It took some time to get the thyroid meds balanced but now that they are I feel really good, thankfully. Getting the thyroid in balance has eliminated the vast majority of the annoying rhythm abnormalities that were bothering me. Yeah, I know they are "harmless" but PVCs are annoying at best!

Best Wishes,
Isn't that wonderful when we have a different sense than expected remind us of something! :smile2: I know orchids are special.... now, it seems, one kind is particularly special for you!

I spent so much time "recovering" outside on our deck with the sun on my back that every time I am again sitting comfortably in a relaxing seat with the sun on my back I think of how magical it was to feel so alive.

Best wishes.


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