3 Years Today... The Journey Continues!

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Well-known member
Jun 11, 2001
Hi Everyone,

Today marks my 3rd year anniversary since my emergency surgery. It's beautiful morning here in Tennessee and ,looking out at the dawn, hearing the wildlife and the woods alive with sound, sure is wonderful.

I was very concerned this year about my health. I think this was mostly due to the fact that indeed 3 years have gone by, and I mentally thought that "Things just can't be as good as I feel".

Every year I visit 3 doctors, my GP, my cardiologist, and my vascular surgeon. MY GP visit and general exam went terrific, In fact, I can even say " Hey, I lowered my cholesterol"! My cardiologist visit also was a very good report. But, the last one, with vascular surgeon to review the new series of CT Scans would rellay tell the tale. This is what I was concerned about; " Are my insides doing as good as I feel on the outside"?

My vascular sugeon always called in the past prior to my visit and would say, " The CT Scans look great, no change, everything is stable. There is no need to come in and see me unless you want to". This year, I didn't get that call. I go in for my CT Scans 2 weeks prior to his office visit. So, everyday, I would come home, check the answering machine,,no call... gawd... as time went on .. I became more and more concerned..

Finally my office visit was upon me, and I went in to see him, it was just last Wednesday. He told me that everything was fine, and stable! I got to tell ya, It felt like a large dark cloud was lifted from me. Come to find out, he has some new help on the desk, that did not call as he directed them to. Anyway, my CT scan results continue to so no change for 3 yers now. He said that since my condition appears to be OK, that he didn'y really have to see me yearly, and that he would change my schedule to 2 year intervals. I told him that I would feel more at ease having annual checkups, so we are going to keep the same schedule I had.

I don't want to get too emotional on here today, and you all know what I mean by that. However, I do want to thank Hank for having the vision to create this wonderful site. It has helped me in several ways. It has educated me, comforted me, and allowed me to share my experiences and view with others. Most of all, this site showed me that I was not "All Alone" with my condition. Knowing that there are others out here that have had the same or similar experiences really helped improve my mental outlook on the experience I went through. The interaction on this site brought me out of depression, the "Why Me?" Blues went away!

Also, thanks to everyone here that has posted, and especially to those that responded to my posted questions. Each and every post can help educate a new member, and also help some of us seasoned members stay on top of new research and medical advancements.

I feel very close to each of my heart family on this site.

Wishing you all good health,
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That's great news Rob and congratulations on the 3 years!

I was just going to PM you about the results. I know how much it was troubling you and it would me also. Now this is an order-Stop worrying so much! If nothing new has shown up in 3 years, I'd think you'd be just fine from here on out. This coming from someone who worries about everyone and everything. That's my job!

My youngest son is down in your neighborhood checking out Nashville Auto and Diesel College today and Tomorrow. I told him to make sure to pick up a copy of The Tennessean and bring it home. I couldn't remember when you said you were leaving to come up here or I would have let you know before he left.

Here is to your continued good health and long term outlook. :D
Hi Rob-

My heartiest congratulations on your third year anniversary and the good news you have posted.

I'm so happy for you and your family.
Congratulations, Rob. I have been waiting for your post since I always know that you will be along soon after my own anniversary every year. In the beginning, when I first joined, you welcomed me by answering a question I had - o/w I might've not stuck around so may I take this, your third anniversary, to say a special thanks to you. I am so happy for you that your progress is going so well. Guess heart folks always have that ugly doubt somewhere in the background - after all, weren't we stung once. Sounds like you are traveling a good and smooth road with no mountains ahead. Keep it going.

BTW - my 3rd was 3/8.


Rob - Thats a great story and I'm glad to hear it. Thanks for sharing your thoughts. Chris
What great news and Happy Anniversary!
Les AVR '93 / '95

I am so HAPPY for you! This is too :cool: ! I think it is natural to always think in the back of our minds that maybe something may still go wrong. We feel so GREAT though when we go for our checkups, and everything is just fine! It does tend to put that :D on our face!

Hey, Glad to hear you lowered your cholesterol! You could be in a commercial!:)

I loved what you wrote in the beginning of your post , getting up, it's a beautiful day and you're appreciating everything around you! Us "Heart Buddies" take nothing for granted anymore!

I too say a prayer Thanking God daily, for leading me to this wonderful site, where I did find out, like you, I wasn't alone! Hank had a great vision and it has grown to many hearts! I feel we are all blessed to have come together on this site and be able to share our experiences, fears, feelings, medical knowlegde(based on our own experiences) support each other and to have made many heart buddy friends!

Rob, you were such an inspiration to me when I met you in Nashville, as i was only 7 months post-op at the time! Looking forward to seeing you this August! Keep up the Good Health!
hi rob!
what a wonderful post! i was so thrilled to read that you are doing and feeling so well.
congratulations and happy anniversary! i wish you many more happy and healthy ones to come and plan on being around to hear about them!!!
stay well, sylvia
Congrats to you

Congrats to you

Rob. That is great news. Hope you have continued good health. Peggy
Hi Rob,
It is great to hear that everything is going so well. I am so happy for you. I'm sure everything will continue to go well. Congrats on lowering the cholesterol.
I am having my six month post op appt. with my cardio on April 8th. I have to admit, I am a little nervous. I don't dwell on it, but I sometimes feel that things are going too well right now and something is bound to go wrong. I am still having those post op twinges and pinches etc...from healing up and I sometimes wonder if maybe something else isn't going wrong, but I feel really good and I am pretty much back to normal. My sternum still feels sore sometimes, but I have no trouble lifting or doing anything. Easter is coming up and a year ago Easter is when I had my dissection, I just didn't know it. They told me non-specific chest wall pain. It just has me thinking a lot about what has happened to me this past year and I hope that things will continue to go well. Well, sorry about babbling on here. I think I just needed to get that out.

Take Care!
Hank is wonderful.... so are you, Rob.

Hank is wonderful.... so are you, Rob.

Without people like you posting great information.....where would we be? I've learned so much from your posts. Thank you, thank you, thank you... you're a very special heart buddy.

I?m so happy to hear you are doing well!
Great news Rob...Ditto the above...you've been such an asset to this forum and I Thank You for leading me here. The best of each and every day to you!!

Rob, Congratulations on your 3 year mark! It's great to hear. Wishing you continued good health and many more Happy and healthy Anniversaries!



It was great hearing such good news about a really good guy. Your story and many, many posts helped somany of us who followed you on the climb, just as some of the early members of this family were able to help you.

Congratulations on the good news!

BTW, I miss your frequent posts. Please try to drop in more often.

Ron K
Bravo Rob! Well done.....and all that jazz.

May God continue to bless your journey.

You're Hired!

You're Hired!

...as the motivational speaker for the Chicago Reunion. How about it?

Just kiddin,' man. Anyway you'd be a good candidate with all the "inspiration" you give here at vr.com. Yeah, man, it sure does feels good when we think "are my insides doing as good as I feel on the outside?" Congratulations.

See ya soon.

Good to hear it!

Good to hear it!

Hey Rob,

Glad to hear that you've passed another mile marker with all the lights on the board showing green!

It is good to hear that life can level out and still be good after the big event. Your sharing of your experiences has helped others learn to deal with their future.
hi Rob!

hi Rob!

I am delighted to hear that all is well with you ...congratulations on passing the 3 mile mark ....you have been very kind and inspiring to many on this board ,myself included ..for this I thank you ...please keep dropping in and take care of yourself
Best wishes
Oh Smashin' Pumpkin or is it 'FABIO'

Oh Smashin' Pumpkin or is it 'FABIO'

Look who's just past the three year mark! My heart buddy Robthatsme...!

You probably came closer to pushin' up daisies than any of us -- that's why you deserve the best of health from here on out..:)

The best to you and yours...