3 weeks post op

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Sorry for the delay in posting been having trouble getting on this site. I am 3 weeks post op and have had no complications to date (touch wood). My heart rate is sitting in the high 70 s at rest. Some of my post op echo results are: Normal LV size and Ejection Fraction = 67%, Normal RV size and systolic FXN, Mildly dialated RA, AVR normal haemodynamica no ab (don't know what ab is), AVA - 3.1 cm squared, Gradient 1/4 TR, RSVP 29 MMGH. As for activities I am already walking 25 minutes in the morning and 15 at night with upper body exercises in between. The only medications i am on currently are warfarin and citalopram(antidepressant) which i have taken for a long time for an anxiety disorder(GAD). I recieved an On-X 27/29 Aortic Valve put in by Dr Tesar and his team at Prince Charles Hospital who i can not say enough good words. All up i am feeling quite good with minimal to no pain. I would again like to thank everyone at this site for their help and support, making this journey much less stressful for me. Sincerely Brad

p.s. sorry for my sisters very short post as she's not much for computers
It sounds like you're recovering very well. I'm envious of the 70 HR. I'm almost three months out of surgery, and I'm still running in the 80's. I'll keep my fingers crossed that your good luck continues. :)
Glad to hear you are doing so well..Like the fact..that you are doing small walking, ect..let your body heal... 3 more weeks and you will be feeling much better.. :) ...Bonnie
Thanks for posting, Brad. Glad to hear you are doing so well- keep up the good work and keep us informed.
Brad, that is such awesome news. Puts my mind at ease even more for my big day. It's good to see you're bouncing back so well!


and I am really glad that you are doing so well and that your recovery is going so smoothly. And an On-X?? That is what I was really hoping Katie would have gotten, but it tis what it tis...............speaking of ............thank you so much for all of your kind posts to Katie during our last surgical escapade. They were and are truly appreciated. Many hugs and keep up the good work. Janet
Thanks everyone for the kind words they truely did and do help us newcomers feel safer and to keep positive for the future. Still doing well (touch wood again) walked 30 minutes this morning moderate pace almost same walk i was doing presurgery but now i dont get lightheaded or as short of breath. My surgeon said my valve was in pretty bad shape they brought it in to me in icu it looked very thick and not much opening. Surgeons exact words were he did not expect my valve to be anywhere near as bad as it was.

Thanks again Brad

ps Janet just so glad Katie is doing well she is an inspiration. All the best for the future.
I'm glad you're doing so well. HR in the 70's, that's great. I 'm about 6 weeks out (Ross redo, ascending aortic aneurism). I started my cardiac rehab 2 weeks ago. Not that I wasn't doing anything before, I was at 45 minutes walking up to 2 times a day when I started rehab. Now, I have the added peace of mind that I'm doing it "right" with BP and O2 and HR monitoring while on the equipment. Do you have anything like that Down Under? Even though we both are still pretty young (all others in the group are mostly bypass patients and half of them are 70 plus) I think it's a good idea and it helps me to make sure I get my regular workout.
Again, all the best for your recovery ahead.
Great encouragement!

Great encouragement!

Wow Brad, thanks for the great report. I'm scheduled for AVR on Sept 7 with a St. Jude valve. It's so encouraging to hear you're able to walk for 25 min 3 weeks post op, I sure look forward to that.

Have a great recovery!
Geesh - you're doing so well. It took me 2 years to get my heart rate down to 66 - it stubbornly stayed in the 90's for over a year.
