3 months today and feeling great.

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Well-known member
Aug 8, 2007
Near Phila. PA
It is 3 months today since my AVR redo and have been feeling great and really seem to be making some progress on the treadmill. Wanted to stop back to thank all you on the forum for the great information leading up to my surgery and the support offered before during and after my hospital stay. My wife's first exposure to VR.com was when she posted my post-surgery update and she was amazed at the response "from all over the country and even Australia".

Thanks again.


PS. I have to put in a good word for my Doc and his team at the Hosiptal of the University of Pennsylvania, Dr. Joseph Bavaria, he is great Surgeon, he may be first one to tell you that but he can back-it up with results.
Nice to see you. Your allowed to come around more often ya know.

Sounds great! Hope you have many years worry free of it all now.
Glad to hear from you Nick and that all is going so good. Someone was just asking about UofP and other philly area hospitals, I mentioned a few people here used Bavaria I hope they see this post. Lyn

I found her post asking about a Philly area surgeon and posted a reply... hope it helps her out. Thanks for the heads-up.

Glad to read that things are going so well! Congratulations!
nickm3 said:

I found her post asking about a Philly area surgeon and posted a reply... hope it helps her out. Thanks for the heads-up.

Thanks, sorry i should have given you a link, my bad
Getting Better

Getting Better

Congrats on the positive update. Keep up the good work. You'll find that things will continue to get better.
