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Well-known member
Sep 10, 2007
Osaka, Japan
greetings everyone! I had my first follow-up visit with the surgeon today. My INR is slowly coming into range (1.75 now but going up day by day). My X-ray looked good as well, and the 15cm scar is healing nicely. My surgeon has a funny sense of humor. I laughed when he got out the ruler to measure the scar, and he kept saying "No tennis", "No tennis". I then asked him if it was ok for me to play table tennis with my broken sternum, and this put the nurse on the floor with laughter! I know it sounds like he's not taking his job very seriously, but it's how you perform in the operating room that matters most (and he saved my life, so I'll return the jokes as long as he keeps delivering them.) Oh, I asked about antibiotics before dental work and he said, "Yep, you should take them." I then asked if he would write me a prescription, and he said "the dentist will take care of that!". I couldn't tell if he was just being lazy or if the system is completely different over here in Japan (I'm praying the latter is true). I've read so many posts about the cardiologist and dentists contradicting themselves in the States that it makes me relieved that the dentist can decide these things over here.

Oh, by the way, I'm on the following medications, so please warn me if any of these are toxic, carcinogenic, banned, an aphrodisiac, et al.
Warfarin 6mg, Diovan 40mg, Carvedilol 2.5mg, Luprac 4mg
Hey Wes!

I'm glad to see you pecking away on a keyboard rather than a cell phone!:p

My dentist is the one who prescribes my antibiotics, so I don't think you were getting the run around.

I don't know the answer to your medication questions, but someone else probably does.

It's good to see you back.:)
Glad to hear you are progressing well, Wes. My dentist wrote the prescriptions for my antibiotics but he actually left the decision whether I needed to take them or not with my Cardio. When my Cardio said I no longer needed to take them, my Dentist simply changed the information on my profile.

I can't help you with your question of the meds as I don't take any of them. Best wishes continuing.....
My cardio says yes to meds for dentist work, my dentist says new research says its not needed.

I keep taking the meds.

If my dentist is right, i've taken some unnecessary meds, if he is wrong i die.

the odds are not really worth the risk of not taking them.
Magic8Ball said:
My cardio says yes to meds for dentist work, my dentist says new research says its not needed.

I keep taking the meds.

If my dentist is right, i've taken some unnecessary meds, if he is wrong i die.

the odds are not really worth the risk of not taking them.

8 Ball, If you have had valve replacement, regardless of mechanical or tissue, you still need to take the meds. Only the murmur people got the reprieve.