2nd Anniversary Cardio Visit

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Well-known member
Jun 10, 2001
Northwest, IL
Hi Everyone,

Last week I went for my cardio visit. My two year anniversary isn't until March 8th, so he saw me a little early. He checked me over and said everything sounded good. My INR was at 3.6, which I was totally happy with. I had spent all of December and part of January trying to get it out of the 1.7 to 2.3 range. So now I'm back in range.

I had to go back to my Stress/Echo today, and according to the cardio I passed with flying colors. I went over 10 minutes on the Treadmill and was on the highest incline, got my heartrate up there and when they did the last echo as I was finally just starting to gasp for breathe, the cardio said my two valves are doing exactly what they should be doing. He didn't see any leakage and the blood was flowing through beautifully. I was a little apprehensive since the last time I had an Stress/Echo was when they were first trying to find out what was wrong with me in November of 2000. I've had a couple of Echos done since then, but not the Stress/Echo. I just had to share this because I felt so great about it. I was never a runner or jogger in the past so for me this was a real milestone.

I also was talking to the technician hooking me up for the Stress/Echo and I happen to mention our Fourm. The more I talked about it, the more intrigued she became. She said she felt it would be a great site to mention to all their patients who have up and coming surgeries. I told her all about the support we all give each other before and after surgery. She immediately pulled the site up on the computer and started looking at it. My medical group is called Midwest Heart Specialist, so maybe we will start to get some members from referrals from my medical group. I think that would be :cool: Just had to share both my results and the fact that someone from my medical took a real interest in our site.
Hi Lorrine,

Just wanted to take a moment to say Congrats to you on such good results on your 2nd anniversary checkup! It is also a relfection on how well you have managed your own well-being since surgery.

May you have many more!!!

See you in Chicago in August for that beer!!



Sounds like you are doing great..I'm coming up one year soon. Hard to believe.:) :) :) Keep on doing well..Bonnie
Hi Lorraine

CONGRATS!!!! ON SUCH GREAT NEWS!!! May you have many yearaversaries with the same good news. What a thrill for you! Keep on keepin on.


How FANTASTIC. You sound so wonderful. Isn't it great to be feeling that well??

Many, many more to come.
I'm happy for you and your new milestone. Maybe I should dance a jig? (Billy, help me out here.) I think I need you to come and do my one year testing so that I too, can look great and feel great! hehe. It's a dirty job, but someones gotta do it for me. :D I don't think mines going to go over very well.


Don't forget ..I'm going to have a sex-change and go in your place.:D :D :D Bonnie
Congratulations, Lorraine - Seems like only last year (lol) you had surgery - time sure flies, doesn't it. I am really happy for you. Two years of a brand new life - can't beat that. God bless
Hi Lorraine!

Glad to hear of your continued success -- gives me something good to look forward to.

When are you gonna come out jogging with us? Maybe at reunion?

Keep up the good work!


Terrific news. I am so happy for you. It's about time for me to go back to the good old UofC hospitals but I'm trying to put it off until this summer when my daughter is done playing ball. I know that sounds stupid but I have a passion for softball and I wouldn't miss her last year for anything. I do think I'm okay though or I wouldn't wait. Glad you got such good news. Peggy


Great news, your 2 years of success are an inspiration to all of us following you (time wise).
Keep up the good work,

Hi Lorraine,

That's wonderful news! Congratulations! Pleased to see your INR on target!

Would you beleive you and I never put 2 and 2 together on our cardio's! I am with MidwestHeart also. Vincent Buffalio is my doctor. They are top notch. But very very busy. He is very open minded to support groups of our type. He once inquired if I would speak to some of his patients.

Let's get together soon. Maybe we can try to meet for lunch on a Saturday or Sunday. Crystal Lake Holiday Inn has a
nice brunch. At least they did four years ago, LOL.
Don't mind making the drive. Gives me an excuse to drop by and see a few friends too.

Talk soon.......
Hi Lorraine

Congratulations on such good results,

You must feel really good, I am glad your INR is back in range

posts like yours are an inspiration to the members who are waiting, and i am sure it helps them realise that although we have ups and downs things always come good,

keep smiling

Hi Everyone,

I want to Thank each and everyone for your reponse. I really appreciate it. I felt real good about the results, since when i had my last one in November of 2000 and I think I barely made it 4 or 5 minutes, and the treadmill was only elevated one time. I had serious breathing issues back then. But alas! That was before valve replacement and two years later, so far, all is well! Must be all that commuting I do. You really have to move your butt, in the city!

Rob: I'm looking forward to tha beer in August, plus our ponytail contest. I'm sure I'll lose the contest, but at least my hair is longer now than in Nashville. :D

Bonnie: Isn't it hard to believe a year has almost gone by for you? Unbelievable! Time does fly! We've become veterans of this site! Which is very encouraging to our pre-surgery members.

Evelyn: Hey, thats my middle name! Always liked that name. Don't here too many people with that name. I thank you and I too hope I have many more good reports.

Nancy: Thank You! It is great to feel so energetic. More so than I had felt for years! I feel younger now than I did ten years ago! I'm glad that Joe is once again on the mend! I feel both you and Jow are such a Tower of Strength! A true testimonial for thsi site!

Ross: I'll come and do your test! Think the cardio will buy it if I dress up as you? Hey, I could try! Ohio isn't that far! Yeah, I think we need Billy to do the jig. I'm half Irish, I could join him. D
Thanks for the congrats! Would love to see you in August but don't know if you'll be able to make it.

Ann: I thank you! It's so true. Our second birthday is our date of surgery. We got that second chance. It has been like a new rebirth! The fact I never knew I had a serious heart problem, that I was having more and more problems breathing, and didn't realize I was having congestive heart failure! My family doctor didn't even realize. He was treating me for asthma and bronchial problems. Thank God they decided to do an echo two years and four months ago. When you hear those words "Do you know you have a Heart Murmur"? I was totally freaked! Never was told that before and I went for physicals once a year since I was 35 years old! Two years and four months later, I can breathe, walk with the best from them and it truly gives me encouragement to make sure I always exercise!

Steve: I'm really glad I got to meet you. I think meeting Gina, Perry and I have really helped you emotionally with dealing what will be comiing up in the future. I wish I had found this site before surgery. You do get scared, bewildered, feelings like its all over. Thats not true, but those are initial reactions. Looking forward to seeing you again when we get together for Perrys birthday in Schaumburg. Hey, I said I wasn't a jogger, but I feel I probably should start jogging. Think I better start out slow though. We'll just run around the restaurant to begin with!

Peggy: Thanks! And just think, we both had the same surgeon. He must know something, huh? He had told my sister Gerri, that my heart was small ( I guess not the normal size of most peoples) but it was strong. I too am a fighter. Have had about 5 operations in my life, always ended up with complications and always fought back and made it.

Terry: Thanks for the congrats! I'm truly inspird by those that have had mechanical valves longer than me. Being on Coumadin can be a pain at times, but as others like Ginaand Rain have told me, it's all about consistancy and taking some initiative in telling the cardio when they think you should hold a dose, because they think your INR is too high, and you know that just some sald would do wonders, rather than hold, and bottom out in two days!

Gina: Thanks! Yeah, glad to see my INR is back in range too. I even had a little of my mexican salad( which has cilantro and avocado in it. Din't eat a lot odf it though. Just enough to satisfy my taste buds!:) I wondered if you were with Midwest Heart Specialist! Too cool! Yeah, they are very busy. They are very alert to what is going on with their patients though. Have you been on their website? I tried but the passwords they gave me don't work! I was real happy they were finally taking an interest in our valve site. I hope hope they do encourage others to check us out! Yeah, lets do brunch at Holiday Inn. My sister Diane works brunch. I'll email you about a possible Sunday.

Jan: Thank You! What you said is oh so true. We do all have ups and downs but if we don't let it discourage us, we can usually make it through and get better. Bottom line, is don't give up!

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