2 days post-op and a surprise

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Well-known member
Mar 4, 2009
Chicago, Illinois
Hey everyone. I just had my surgery on Tuesday morning, done by Dr. Malaisrie at Northwestern in Chicago. I had my bicuspid aortic valve replaced and a big section of my aorta, up into the hemi arch replaced. According to all the doctors and nurses I am recovering very quickly. I'll just take their word for that because I feel like crap. Did anyone get the license plate of that truck that hit me? But they are diong an echo tomorrow and may let me go on Saturday if all looks good.

I suppose I am doing well considering I am only taking Extra Strength Tylenol. The Norco painkillers they were giving me made me so nauseous I coudn't keep anything down. I feel like a human pincushion with all the shots they are giving me. Heparin is the worst thing ever. I'm not sure what meds I'll be on once I leave, but no more shots makes me very happy.

I woke up with a zillion tubes and things coming out of me, but most of them came out yesterday. Unfortunately I did have the terrifying experience of waking up intubated, as I feared. I was so relieved when they took that out, and now my throat is just a little raspy. My family is laughing at me because I keep complaining that I can feel my heart beating so powerfully. I didn't know that was a "normal" thing.

Oh, and because there always has to be a little surprise thrown in... Above I posted that I was having my bicuspid valve replaced. But when they went in the surgeons found something that never showed upon any test. I had only ONE cusp! I am so glad I went ahead with my surgery.
Hi, Happy to hear from you. I have been thinking about you and wondering how it went. =) yay!!! It's behind you. It sounds like your well on your way to a full recovery. I'm really starting to feel anxious about my hubby's AVR next Tuesday. So to read about your follow up it reassuring. Take care and get plenty of rest.
Glad you are doing well. It seems like Dr. Malaisrie is the the new guy on the block here. There have been at least three of us in the last 2 months. I was really happy with his work and it sounds like things went well for you too. You are definitely moving around more quickly than I was.
Congrats! I'm amazed you can post and sound coherent after 2 days. The less drugs you can get by with, the better you'll feel. The anesthesia will keep you feeling wiped out for several days though, but it will pass. Good luck on your recovery and welcome to this side of the mountain!
Wow, I am also very surprised how quick you are recovering. After two days I was still watching little black furry animals scurrying across the room and big band music coming out of the walls.
All the funnies aside, make sure you don't push yourself too fast, give your body a chance to recover at the right pace remember this was a real big truck.
Good Luck
You sound great, and it's good to hear that you made it through so well. I, too, was surprised that I couldn't hear my heart beat either, and rather relieved, since I imagined that my students would be able to hear me coming down the hall.

I didn't find the injections all that bad--both heparin and insulin, delivered in different places, but then I was on the narcs, so maybe that's why they just felt like quick stings and nothing else. But you sound absolutely terrific, so good luck on the Echo, and here's hoping you get to go home tomorrow. There is, as Dorothy reminded us, no place like home.
Great to hear how well you are doing. Hope your recovery continues smoothly.
Congratulations...... You're over that mountain!
I had my surgery at Northwestern over 17 years ago. I went from a morphine drip in CICU to Extra Strength Tylenol in one fell swoop when they moved me out! Best wishes for a smooth recovery!
Welcome! So glad that things went well. And so sorry that the Norco is making you sick. I don't know how I would have gotten by without it! I along with Matt also recently had surgery with Dr. Malaisrie. I went in for a follow up Echo today (all went well) and the technician said that she thinks Malaisrie will soon be as well known as McCarthy.

I'm with you on the Heparin! How I dreaded those shots!

SOOOOO glad to hear you are doing so well! Keep up the good work.
Welcome to the other side of the mountain. I am wishing you a speedy recovery. I woke up intubated as well which was my biggest fear also. It only stayed in for about 2 hours after i woke up though.
hey rebekah! glad you are sounding so great! its good to know. rest and try to relax! so what did you end up getting? mechanical or tissue?