2.1 vs. 4.1

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Active member
Jun 9, 2005
I have been home testing with my INRatio machine for the past 6 weeks. I've been on 6mg daily of coumadin and have been within range 2.5-3.5. I went to have a fasting blood draw this morning at the doctor's office and the tech said she'll do an INR check along with the other tests. I came home an hour later and tested and my machine said 2.1. The tech just called and said her machine said 4.1 and to take 3 mg MWF and 6 mg the rest of the week and recheck at the doctor's office on Tuesday. When should I recheck on my machine and should I follow her directions and lower my dose? Thanks for your help.

Even if the reading really is 4.1, that is fine....why cut the dose in half for 3 days? That sounds crazy.....Since you have your own monitor, check again tomorrow and go from there.
I would believe your machine before I would her test result. I'd ask for a second draw before doing anything and I certainly wouldn't be cutting my dose.
Maybe do one more test with your machine and see what the new result is.
I just retested with my Inratio machine and the result is 2.6. I'm not going to cut my dose and I'm going to assume I'm in or near my range. I'm not sure if I'll go in to the doctor's office to retest there next Tuesday. I will test at home next week. Thanks. Roberta
Teacher said:
I have been home testing with my INRatio machine for the past 6 weeks. I've been on 6mg daily of coumadin and have been within range 2.5-3.5. I went to have a fasting blood draw this morning at the doctor's office and the tech said she'll do an INR check along with the other tests. I came home an hour later and tested and my machine said 2.1. The tech just called and said her machine said 4.1 and to take 3 mg MWF and 6 mg the rest of the week and recheck at the doctor's office on Tuesday. When should I recheck on my machine and should I follow her directions and lower my dose? Thanks for your help.


EVEN IF the 4.1 were accurate, the prescribed dose reduction amounts to 21% which seems WAY too aggressive to my mind for a 4.1 reading.

My suggestion is to buy a copy of Al Lodwick's Dosing Guide ($5) and give a copy to your Coumadin Tech (and the Doctor!).

The only way we can educate the Medical Profession on proper anti-coagulation protocol is one at a time.

'AL Capshaw'
Teacher said:
I just retested with my Inratio machine and the result is 2.6. I'm not going to cut my dose and I'm going to assume I'm in or near my range. I'm not sure if I'll go in to the doctor's office to retest there next Tuesday. I will test at home next week. Thanks. Roberta
There is no way it can be 4.1 then. The lab has a bogus result.
Stay right where you are

Stay right where you are

For the past six years,my dear one's INR range has been 3.0-4 due to special circumstances. His INR results have been 4.1 quite often. As long as you are not having bruising, nose bleeds and the like, you should have no problems at all. I agree with the others. No change is indicated.

Any time we have a difference in INR results between our monitor and the lab, I do nothing until we test again at home and at the lab. In this case, with a 2.1 on your monitor, assuming that it is correct, to change your dose could put you in a position to suffer a stroke.

INR testing

INR testing

I've had my QAS machine for 3 1/2 yrs. and never had it checked with a lab. I would trust my machine more than the lab result. I know someone who has had the machine for much longer and has had it checked with a lab frequently,and it has always been extremely accurate. So, if it were me, I'd stay on my same dosage and recheck again at the regular time. But do what you feel is best for you.
My doctor's office told me to bring my INRatio machine in this week to compare their test with mine. Today my machine said 2.6 and theirs was 3.3. They told me to come in and test again in one week and have my machine checked by the company. That's what I'll do I guess.
I agree with Rachel. It's not going to hurt to call Hemosense to see if there's a diagnostic they can run, but if your doctor is going to compare your machine to a lab test, when you don't see how the tube is handled or how long it sits around, then it's not much of a comparison.
Test someone who is not on coumadin with your INRatio and see what the results are. They should be somewhere around 1.0. If their test is way off then your machine is not working properly.

If they test from .9 to 1.2, your machine should be functioning properly.
geebee said:
Test someone who is not on coumadin with your INRatio and see what the results are. They should be somewhere around 1.0. If their test is way off then your machine is not working properly.

If they test from .9 to 1.2, your machine should be functioning properly.

Wow, I forgot about that suggestion - glad someone's not sleeping! I tested my husband on my machine - he got a 1.0.
Rachel- Hip hip hooray!!!:D

Since my hubby tested at 1.0 - that doesn't demonstrate any high or low tendency, for my machine at least.
I called Hemosense and they sent me a new box of strips. I went to the lab yesterday and tested on my machine right after they drew blood. My reading was 1.7 and theirs was 1.9. That's pretty darn close. It must have been a problem with the original strips, so I'm back in business again. Thanks for all your suggestions. :D :D

Hi Rachel

We routinely test Tyce weekly.....once every few months I test myself (not on coumadin) against the machine and it usually comes up .9-1.2....my feeling is that as long as it's right for me, it's probably right for him. Why don't you check someone who isn't on coumadin and go from there.
