18 Days Out - Rib Pain

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Well-known member
Aug 18, 2007
Florida, USA
I'm 18 days post surgery and have a higher level of rib pain than at any other time. I had a minimally invasive procedure where the sternum was cut from the top, down about 4"; then a horizontal cut was made, under the skin, between the second and third rib.
I believe the pain may just part of the healing process; it started about 13 days post op. I'm thinking any fluid retension and/or inflamation I had in the rib cartledge subsided and the rib healing started in full force. It's a sharp pain when I take a deep breath so I stopped using the breathing excerciser. The differernt pain meds I have do not help any. Had an x-ray yesterday but have not heard anything; hopefully no news is good news.
Went back to sleeping in the recliner 4 days ago.

Anybody else experience more pain 2-3 weeks post op then immediatly post op?
I had the most pain 3 months after my surgery. I had to go back to sleeping in a recliner for the next couple months while they did all kinds of tests. They finally decided that it was some kind of neuropathic pain from the surgery and put me on Lyrica. That took care of the pain and I could sleep in my bed again. I stayed on it for 3 months and then was fine when I went off of it. Good luck!
Isis, ribs healing are always painful, it's just one of those things that takes time.
I also had right side pain on inhaling, it felt like my lung was a bit misplaced or squished. That also took a couple more weeks to disappear.
Believe me, every week will have an improvement, hang in there.:)
If this pain is sharperand /or different I would call the cardiologist, since it hurts when you take a deep breath it COULD be fluid. I think it would better to get it checked and if it is just rountine healing pains at least you will know.After Justin's surgery when he was 18 months he had problems with pericardial fluid for almost 6 months. He wasn't in all the time, usually would go home for a couple days since we lived so close, then go back, his surgery was Oct 23rd and he had a cath on March 2nd , I remember that because it was my 30th Bday, because he was still having issues (he did get RSV too during the post op time which probably helped make everything take so long.) Good luck and keep us posted, Lyn
I had a very similar sharp pain when I took deep breaths for at least a month. When I took one breath it would be pretty bad, but if I took 4-5, it would start to feel a little better. I would strongly caution you that you should not quit using your Spirometer just because of the pain. Breathing exercises are a very important part of the recovery process and I can't imagine stopping them being anything but detrimental to your healing. Best wishes.
I like the idea about calling the doctor....better to be safe....
hope you feel better soon.

(I'm finding that it takes time, the incision pain is a total bummer and that didn't start until 3 or 4 weeks out. What a surprise and it still hurts to the touch. I don't feel it letting up...)

but with you I'd check just to be sure your ok
My x-ray shows quite a lot of fluid buildup around the bottom of the left lung. I have to go see a pulmiologist(sp?) as soon as my PCP can schedule an appointment; maybe tomorrow. Will probably have to drain it out; that should be quite an unpleasent experience :(

Plus they found my blood platlet count to be very high; the white blood count was normal though so it looks like no infection in my system.
Hopefully the warfarin will reduce the risk of any clots; although I believe my INR may be below 2 because I am only taking 2.5 mg this week. My INR was above 6 last Monday; I believe it may have spiked because the day before my test I had taken some cold medication and acetaminophen. My cardio cut my dosage after the high reading. Will get another INR test this week.

Oh well..... the joys of OHS..
I'm sorry you have problems with fluid, but glad you got it checked out and caught it. I hope they can get you in tomorrow. Lyn