16 Weeks Post, Ran a 10k

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Well-known member
Nov 14, 2005
Miami, FL. I'm not really sure what country this
On March 31, two days shy of 16 weeks after my Ross Procedure, I ran the Monument Avenue 10k here in Richmond, along with 25,022 other participants. It was an absolutely beautiful day, and a thrill to be able to participate, especially since Noni, who hates to run, ran with me.

I'd not been able to run for a couple of years due to my formerly stenotic aortic valve.

My time wasn't anything to write home about, 1:09:02, with a split time of 32:00. I walked about a half a mile between mile four and five.

BUT, I think I may have finished FIRST in my division: "Men Over 40 Less Than Four Months After Open Heart Surgery."

Of course, it was a very small division.

But full of very good looking guys, just check the picture. :D


Stretch -

You are always such an inspiration! Wow, I'm impressed! Congrats on your 10K. m:D

All my best,
Being able to run again must have felt great! Thanks for sharing your accomplishment. Sounds like you won in your division! :)
Congratulations, Stretch! So glad all is so good for you- too bad you couldn't wear a tawdry shirt for your run!


hi stretch,
that is such wonderful news; put a big smile on my face!
i certainly hope that you emailed dr. stelzer with that great news!!!
hi to noni and keep feeling well.
all the best, sylvia
Way to go, Stretch!!!

Very impressive!! Keep up the great recovery. I hung up my running shoes a few years ago as well......I am 4 weeks out, not running again (yet), but I feel stronger everyday and love to hear these inspirational stories! Thanks for posting.

I just realized I never finished my post! Can anyone say, "Pump Head"?

Here's how I meant to finish that...

Aortic valve replacement: $70,000

Registration for a 10k sixteen weeks post-op: $25

Relaxing in a hot tub with Noni after the race: PRICELESS.

Congrats, Stretch! Was that the good 'ol Ukrop's 10K? (For non-Virginians, Ukrop's is a community-minded grocery store that sells a fantastic array of vittles.)

You should write up your adventures running a race post-OHS and send it to Runner's World -- along with lots of pictures, of course. (Long ago, I was a marathoner -- there is still a skinny runner trapped inside my Double XX body. :D )

WAY TO GO! I hope to have the same success. I hope to be able to keep up with my daughter and run the Indy 500 Festival Mini Marathon again next year. She'll be doing it without me this year. :(
Yeah it was a great day Stretch - but as you know, the weather here in Richmond has sucked since then. (except for this afternoon -- man oh man, FINALLY)

Anyway -- YOU DA MAN -- a 10K no less!