12 weeks Post-OP and now I HAVE THE FLU

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Oct 9, 2012
by Corpus Christi, TX
I am 12 weeks post -op was doing very well. Was almost back to my normal, walking 4 miles a day, flew to Colorado for Christmas. My heart rate has been essentially very regular with a few arrhythmia's when laying down. They were getting very faint and I could just barely feel them. Then on Dec 30.. the flu came on very suddenly. The body aches, cough, vomiting ect. I had my flu shot in September. I went to my primary MD and she tested me for the the Flu and I was positive for type B. She said if I didn't get better or felt worse, she would put me in the hospital. I have lost 6 lbs, can't eat much and am making my self drink water. My arrhythmia is back with a vengeance.

I feel as if I am getting better, but very slowly. The cough and decreased appetite still persist. Once I am well, will the arrhythmia go back to the rate it was before I was sick? Is anyone else dealing with the flu? I truly hope not. :frown2:
I feel as if I am getting better, but very slowly. The cough and decreased appetite still persist. Once I am well, will the arrhythmia go back to the rate it was before I was sick? Is anyone else dealing with the flu? I truly hope not. :frown2:

I also came down with a cough and flu like systems shortly after xmas...and am just now beginning to feel OK again. I had a flu shot back in Sept., so I'm not sure I had a flu or one of the other viral bugs going around. Drink a lot of liquids and watch your INR untlil you get your appetite back. Make sure you let your doc know if the arrhythmia persists or if you develop a fever that persists. And the good news is...."This too shall pass".
I also came down with a cough and flu like systems shortly after xmas...and am just now beginning to feel OK again. I had a flu shot back in Sept., so I'm not sure I had a flu or one of the other viral bugs going around. Drink a lot of liquids and watch your INR untlil you get your appetite back. Make sure you let your doc know if the arrhythmia persists or if you develop a fever that persists. And the good news is...."This too shall pass".

Thanks Dick0236 for the encouragement. I am glad you are better. I usually check my INR every 2 weeks, thanks for the advice to check it until my appetite gets better, I didn't even think about it having an affect on my INR.
You don't want to get dehydrated while having the flu and experiencing vomiting and or diarrhea. Try sipping 1 part Gatorade (not Poweraide) with one part water - basically half and half.

I read somewhere that the flu shot is only 65% effective on H1N1 and H1N1v virus.

Hope you both are feeling much better real soon.
Influenza rarely causes vomiting in adults so you likely have something else going on also. Hope you are feeling better soon.
That stinks!
I had a friend who underwent a mitral valve repair, then caught a stomach bug from her post-op caretaker, her mother, and ended up back in the hospital only two weeks later. Thankfully it all turned out well.
Fred and Dick have given you good advice. Don't allow yourself to become dehydrated and watch your INR. I would check with your cardiologist and see if he can help with the arrhythmia, but it is likely due to the dehydration.
Good luck and best wishes!