1 Year Anniversary - Feb 1st - but ....

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Dec 2, 2010
Morgantown, West Virginia
I have been looking forward to tomorrow, the 1 year anniversary of my valve replacement surgery, eagerly. To remind you, I had a homograft (human) valve done because of my past history of urinary infections ... less risk of the valve itself becoming infected.

But ...

The last few days I have been having some sporadic chest discomfort. Although my cardiologist told me that I would have "weird pains" for a while, this evening it got to the point where I felt I should get it checked out, better safe than sorry.

Bottom line of what I was told ... ER did not find any current problems with my heart. The most assuring thing I was told is that valve problems generally don't cause this kind of pain. They said it is probably muscular-skeletal. But they want me to follow up with my family doctor and see if it might be advisable to move up my echocardiogram, which is currently scheduled for March 19.

Anyone else ever have weird pains right around the anniversary?

I have been looking forward to tomorrow, the 1 year anniversary of my valve replacement surgery, eagerly. To remind you, I had a homograft (human) valve done because of my past history of urinary infections ... less risk of the valve itself becoming infected.

But ...

The last few days I have been having some sporadic chest discomfort. Although my cardiologist told me that I would have "weird pains" for a while, this evening it got to the point where I felt I should get it checked out, better safe than sorry.

Bottom line of what I was told ... ER did not find any current problems with my heart. The most assuring thing I was told is that valve problems generally don't cause this kind of pain. They said it is probably muscular-skeletal. But they want me to follow up with my family doctor and see if it might be advisable to move up my echocardiogram, which is currently scheduled for March 19.

Anyone else ever have weird pains right around the anniversary?


Edward, I highlighted a very operative phrase in your post a a great mantra to live by ......happy first valversary and cheers to a pain free second
Hi, Edward, I'm happy to hear you seem to be doing well. You experience of the other night sounds like some of the things I've felt. It is good to hear that the problem does not appear to be heart related. Still, the only way you can feel really comfortable is have your doctor check. How are you doing otherwise as you celebrate one year?

Hi, Edward, I'm happy to hear you seem to be doing well. You experience of the other night sounds like some of the things I've felt. It is good to hear that the problem does not appear to be heart related. Still, the only way you can feel really comfortable is have your doctor check. How are you doing otherwise as you celebrate one year?


I am thankful to God Almighty that I've made it to my one year anniversary. Looking forward to a couple of big trips this spring and summer. I've got a timeshare exchange week reserved down in Branson in early May; this would be my first time flying on a plane since my surgery.

I am feeling a little better today in the chest ... I took some pain medication before I went to bed last night and it seems to be helping. This would seem to support the thesis that the pain is muscular/skeletal.
Howdy and congrats on your first valversary !!
Yes, I also had weird pains/twinges/cramps occasionally in the sternum/chest area. It's always a good idea to
bounce things off of your doc and make a note on your calendar. Most of the twinges diminish over time.
I' m getting close to 1 year, March 4. When I first get up in the morning, I always feel a stiffness in my chest. After I'm up and moving it all goes away. Once in a while I will have some wired feelings in my chest,not pain,just weird, but I'm convinced it's not heart related. Everyone has told me "it takes a year to get over". Guess I'll believe them.
I saw my family doctor today. He concurred with the Mon General emergency department's finding that the pains I have been having are NOT cardiac in nature. So that helps me relax a little bit. :)

I did have a "healthy dessert" on Wednesday to celebrate my anniversary .... low-fat vanilla frozen yogurt with fresh strawberries. Yum!
Congrats on passing the 1 year mark. I have weird aches that come and go, but for me that's just the nature of a bone that's healed after a break. My ankle and thumb still act up from time to time, even though their breaks happened many moons ago.