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  1. B

    Two years!

    I can't pass an anniversary of my avr surgery without thinking of everyone here. I am so grateful for the excellent information and the genuine care and support that I found here 2 years ago. Thank you to the founders, administrators and members of this site for all of the valuable work you do...
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    Holter Monitor and coughing

    I had my 1 year (plus a couple of months) check up yesterday at CC. The echo looked good but when I described having some palpitations, the doctor ordered a 48 hour holter monitor which I'm wearing now and can take off tomorrow afternoon. Last night I developed a nasty cough along with the...
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    My valve is one year old

    A year ago tonight I was spending a restless night in the CLeveland Clinic waiting for surgery to begin in the morning. I am reliving in my mind the whole experience. It just amazes me that I went through with it. I woke up this morning and looked at my youngest who is 6 and has down syndrome...
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    6 month post op check up with surgeon

    I am scheduled to see Dr. Svensson on Feb. 2. Prior to seeing him, I am scheduled for a chest ct and an mri of the brain. Are these the post op tests that are typical for a 6 month check up? I guess I was surprised that they didn't want an echo or mri of the heart to see the new valve in...
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    possible pericarditis?

    I'm almost 3 months post op and have had a prettty uneventful recovery. About 4 weeks ago I began doing more in the way of lifting, driving etc and expected some new soreness with increase in activity. I wasn't surprised when I had what I felt was a pinched nerve at that time. For these past...
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    A stitch possibly coming through my scar

    I'm not 100% sure what this is but in the center of my incision I have what appears to be a stitch coming through the skin. I noticed it about a week ago as a black speck and left it alone since there is no redness or drainage. Since then it has emerged a little more. Is it even possible to...
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    incision in upper chest for bypass machine

    Doctors mentioned a second incision in the groin for bypass machine. I was surprised to wake up with a 3-4 inch long horizontal incision just below my collar bone on the right side of my chest instead of in the groin. This incision is by far more painful than the 10 inch long sternum one...
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    low blood count at 2.5 weeks post op

    Everything is healing well but my hemoglobin is down at 8.3 as of Tuesday when I went for my post op appt. Normal for women is between 11-15. This has me feeling, I think, so much more tired than I would otherwise be. Is this common? Anyone else this low at this point? I have been told...
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    Surgery over!

    Thank you for the good thoughts below. Surgery was faster than expected. Dr. Svensson explained to my husband that one of the remaining leaflets of my bicuspid valve was comletely stuck and the valve was more calcified that thought. He put in a bovine valve. He had to take out more of the...
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    Met with surgeon at Cleveland next week

    I spent 3 full days and one night (unplanned) at the CC last week. It was intense but very comforting too to know that they were so thorough in testing. The Clinic was amazingly effecient through all of this and everyone we met with was wonderful. On the first day I met with a cardiologist...
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    Pain after cardiac cath

    I had my cardiac catheterization done on Wed at the Cleveland Clinic. Everything went well until they tried to close up the site. I bled internally a bit which was very painful and they also had to apply extra pressure. They did give me pain killers and kept me overnight. I thought I was...
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    Pre op testing next week at CC..Surgery July 7

    I've decided that dragging this out any longer is just no fair to my family. Some of my kids are old enough to have researched this themselves (one dd is in nursing school and ds is in paramedic school so not much gets by them :) ) I know the waiting is the worst part. I told someone it feels...
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    New here... upcoming surgery

    I am 47 years old and was diagnosed with aortic stenosis as a child. I was followed by cardio through my teens. I was always assured that it wasn't a "serious " condition. I went about my life not thinking much about it. I did check back with my cardio in my early 20's when I began having...