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  1. L

    New generic Toprol XL

    Anyone out there that's on Toprol XL tried the new generic version? It's called Metoprolol ER, and it's available at 25mg dosage. It became available late last year. Since generic Rx's are much less expensive for me, I'd love to switch. Lee
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    4 weeks post-op

    Hello everyone, I'm a little over 4 weeks post-op from my Ross Procedure, and everything is going very well. I feel great most of the time. I went back to work today for half-days for a little while. My only complaint is sternum problems, and even that seems to be turning into tightness...
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    Good morning everyone, Today is 2 weeks post-op for me, and I am feeling great. I went for my first walk outside this was finally cool enough. I walked for 30 minutes, and it was wonderful. I can't believe how well my recovery is going. On the flip side, I went to a large...
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    The view from this side is wonderful

    Hi everyone, I'm 8 days post-op and finally had a good day at home. My surgery was last Tuesday, and I came home to Tulsa on Sunday. I had a partial lung collapse on Thursday, but it resolved itself quickly. That was my only real setback at the hospital. The 5 hour drive on Sunday felt easy...
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    Lee Crowley's Surgery

    Hello everyone. Lee asked that I post after his surgery and let you all know how it went. The operation was successful and Dr. Ryan was able to do the Ross procedure. He said everything looked great and the donor valve doesn't leak at all. All in all the operation took 7 hours from entering...
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    The time has finally come

    Hello to everyone, My surgery date has finally come. We'll be driving down to Dallas tomorrow afternoon, and my surgery is scheduled for 7:30am Tuesday. I feel great about it, and I'm ready to get to the other side of the mountain. Although I do not post very often, I read these boards...
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    What are these weird feelings?

    I'm a 37 year old BAV with 3+/4+ AI. My surgery is scheduled for Aug. 8 in Dallas. The only symptom I can really connect to my condition is rapid fatigue during exercise. I play a lot of "higher-level" tennis, and get fatigued after 5 minutes. However, it's never enough to make me stop...
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    Surgery date set

    Hello to all, I haven't posted in a little while. If you remember, I live in Tulsa and was looking for a surgeon in Dallas. I found a surgeon in Dallas to do my AVR.....Dr. William Ryan at Presbyterian Hospital. We're going to shoot for The Ross Procedure, with the Medtronic Freestyle tissue...
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    Travel for surgery questions

    Hello to everyone, I've been cruising these boards for a few weeks now, and this is my first post. I am a 37 year old male with a BAV, which is believed to be congenital. I was diagnosed 2 years ago with severe AI. At my yearly ECHO last month, it was discovered that my Ejection Fraction has...