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  1. UWMike

    Mechanical valve - irregular heartbeat

    It's been a little while since I've been on here. I had a St. Jude mechanical valve put in 11 months ago and I've since noticed on occasion that every once in a while I'll have what I can only think to describe as a minor arrhythmia. It'll be very quick, usually a single double-beat...
  2. UWMike

    Riding the INR roller coaster

    So I'm nearly 3 weeks post-op and starting to get a little anxious about this whole INR management thing. At discharge from hospital they told me that the range I should stick to is 2.5 to 3. At that time I was taking 4mg daily and at my first blood test 5 days after being discharged my INR came...
  3. UWMike

    Home monitoring systems in Canada

    To my fellow Canucks out here... I was wondering where exactly I can get one of these home monitoring systems from. Did you order them online or are they available through hospitals/drug stores/etc.?? The two I've seen most discussed are the INRatio and the CoaguChek XS so my question pertains...
  4. UWMike

    Countdown: 7 days

    I initially signed up to this forum a few months ago when it was decided that my AVR would be going ahead. After reading a few online articles that scared the be-jeezus out of me and then finding much more comforting information on this forum, I passively decided that the best way to avoid the...
  5. UWMike

    Surgical consult scheduled

    I have a meeting scheduled with Dr. Christopher Caldarone for July 23. The surgery would be done at the Peter Munk Cardiac Centre at Toronto General Hospital, although the surgeon is from the neighbouring Hospital for Sick Children. This to me seems a bit odd that my surgery would be done by...
  6. UWMike

    An Introduction

    Hello there! My name is Michael. I'm 22 years old and I'm currently waiting on word from my cardiologist about next steps in preparation for an impending AVR. It's no longer a question of if, but when. My condition is described as severe aortic stenosis and aortic incompetence (regurgitation)...