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  1. G

    Arteriogram brought news

    That is awesome news!!
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    Surgery on Wednesday. Help.

    Welcome the family! First of all, I'd recommend you create a login so we can get to know you a bit better. But until then, please understand we all know how you feel. And it's absolutely normal to be scared. Believe me, when I thing back to the two weeks leading up to my surgery, it still get a...
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    seventh valversary!

    Great news!! Here's to many, many more.
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    Surgeon has Completed 5 Robotic MVP repairs - Should I be the 6th?

    Richard, I'm glad to see you've made your selection, and I think it's the best choice. Besides, you're only 43 so I'm sure you'll be jogging the halls by day 3 post-op;) Good luck, and keep us posted.
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    Surgery - What Day of the Week is Best?

    Mine was on Super Tuesday and it couldn't have gone smoother.
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    day 3 post op

    Good news and I hope by now you're feeling better. Please keep us posted when you can.
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    Cromey's two week update

    Great post Dave, I'm glad you're doing so well. I can still remember how good it felt to have the surgery behind me and recovering at home. Have fun on holiday and keep walking:cool:
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    Lucky 13

    Bill, Congratulations on 13 years....that's incredible!! Here's to many, many more.
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    11 years!

    Eleven years....WOW that's awesome!! Congratulations and here's to many, many more.
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    Six Years Strong!

    Brian, Congratulations!! Six years and still going strong. Here's to many, many more.
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    15 Years Tomorrow!!

    DavesMom Fifteen years, what an awesome milestone! Congratulations, and here's to many, many more.
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    Been 3 years

    Congratulations and here's to many, many, many, more!
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    Home after AVR redo!

    DebbyA, I'm glad you surgery was successful and you're now at home. Here's to a quick and pain free recovery!
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    I am 9 Years Old Today

    SuperBob, What a super accomplishment! Here's to many, many, many more re-birthdays.
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    surgical anniversaries

    Congratulations va66, and well wishes for the future.
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    8 Years Ticking

    Congratulations Cooker, 8 years is a really awesome milestone. Here's to many, many more!
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    Some good info from a cardiologist friend about OHS

    Great post! Thanks for sharing.
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    5 year old to undergo Ross Procedure

    Hi Eln1559, welcome to the forum. My youngest son was born with aortic stenosis too, and at 7 weeks old we underwent his first surgery. His surgeon was able to widen the valve opening and decrease the stenosis but we were told it was only a temporary fix. Then at age 7, he went in for the same...
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    12 days to go Holy Moley!

    We all know what you're going through and believe me, staying calm and relaxed is easier said than done. I can tell you from my surgery, that the worrying and stressing I did prior was a waste of time. The surgery was over in a flash and the recovery was not as bad as I had thought. My surgeon...
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    Medical ID's

    I wear a bracelet from