Gail in CA

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Well-known member
Oct 13, 2007
So. California area
Has anyone heard how Gail did today??

I was thinking about her today about 5:00 and how she was probally getting off the tube! Hope all went well. Debbie :)
I have been thinking about her all weekend too. I hope we get some news this week.
Otherwise when I see the surgeon Dr. Miller next Monday for my own consult, I will ask him how she is doing.
No, I guess not. I have been worried. I was at Stanford today and was tempted to check about her but I don't know how open they are about disclosing information to people other than family.
Did Gail happen to leave a contact email for a family or friend perhaps? Sure hope she came through with flying colors!


I'm Alive!!!!!
I made it thru my 3rd OHS. I have a pic of my heart before they started.
I will write more in a few days, when I feel stronger. Just got home.
All went really well, I feel better than I did a few mos ago with endocarditis.
I had the Miller Marathon!
I've been waiting for you to post, Gail. Thank goodness it's over and done with.:)
Gail, so relieved to hear from you! Woo hoo! Three cheers for you and Miller (whom I
will see on Monday!) Yay. Rest well...
GAIL, glad to hear all went well!!!!
Please let us know how you are when you feel up to it.
Take good care and rest-- Debbie :)
I'm Alive!!!!!
I made it thru my 3rd OHS.

WOO HOO! Good to see you posting, Gail!

Thoughts/prayers coming your way for a continued SUCCESSFUL recovery :).

Cort | 35swm | "Mr Monte Carlo"."Mr Road Trip" | pig valve.pacemaker ...MidW Event = 04/04/09
WRMNshowcase.legos.HO.models.MCs.RTs.CHD =
"Tell me what you see" ... Bob Carlisle ... 'Getting Stronger'