Your scar--try to hide it or not?

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Maryka Supporter
Supporting Member
Feb 5, 2009
Silver Spring, MD, USA

I just ordered a "high neck" bathing suit because I do not want to scare people with my scar. I guess you guys do not care about this stuff, but how have some of you dealt with this?

AVR Surgery Dec. 23, 2008 at Johns Hopkins Hospital, Dr. Duke Cameron
(Congratulate me, please, since no one seems to realize I am new here!)
Let me be the first to congratulate you! :cool:

I'm sure others will have lots of personal insights into this issue; however, I had minimally invasive surgery, so my scar is under my right breast. Even in a swimsuit, the only visible scar is my chest tube scar. I wouldn't have cared if I'd had OHS--really, it was my cardio's and my surgeon's decision for me to have minimally invasive surgery. They based this decision on my age, since I was 30 when I had surgery, as well as my job--I teach high school, and though my students are pretty cool with my heart history, I guess the docs figured that the kids might not be so understanding or kind to a teacher with a scar down her chest. Personally, I don't care.

Either way, I wear my scar proudly. It's my "battle wound" and the reason why I'm alive.

Debi (debster913)
Congrats and Welcome! You are already over the mountain! I have a scar and could care less who sees it. I went through a lot for that scar. I think everyone is different, but it truly does not bother me. Hope your recovery is going well.
I have a scar times 2.
My surgeon opened my chest for my second surgery exactly along the scar from my first four years prior. Same surgeon...guess he liked his own work. :)

I am coming up to a year out from my second surgery and wear v-neck tops, regular swim suits and anything else I want. I healed well and don't think my scar would scare anyone. I don't have thick keloid or redness so I think it not so ugly to look at.

I think of it as a show of bravery... :) to have gone through such serious surgery twice.

Wear whatever makes you comfortable and happy. You earned it!
Well my son is only 11 and male, so a bit different from you. I have brought him up to be proud of his scar. I don't think that you would scare people, if they stare they are more likely wondering about your condition.Wear it with pride.
Never have tried to hide it. And it was pretty durned ugly at first. Now over 17 years later, you can hardly see it. In fact my husband was looking at a picture of me from my b-day party and he said "Nice cleavage!!!" I said - "You mean nice scar!" :D

I always kind of looked on it as a medal of honor.

When my scar had healed I wanted something to cover it up. Went to the Mall with my 10 year old Grandson and stopped at a cosmetic counter. My angel looked up at me and said "Grammy don't worry about what other people think, I love you just like you are". I have not worried about it since.
Honestly leave it show. Trying to hide it will eventually come to light anyhow. You'll feel stupid while doing such a great job to hide it, then someone will think your up to something no good and then bang, you'll be discovered anyhow.

Wear it with honor. It was won in the battle of the fight of your life.
My scar which is 9 months old is nothing I worry about. I wear V-neck clothes and bathing suits. I went to the beach 6 weeks after my surgery and people looked, but I would just smile at them. No one came up to me to ask questions and if they had I would have told them the truth. Good Luck To You.:)
I just ordered a high-neck bathing suit too! It's not that I'm ashamed of my scar, it's just that I was told that you shouldn't expose a new scar to the sun because it can ultimately make the scar look worse.
I always respond to the scar posts with how I am vain and I have had laser procedures to minimize my scar (which have worked nicely). However, I do still have a scar. I shopped and shopped last year and could not find a bathing suit to hide it - so, I just didn't! I love the water and I'm not quite that vain apparently! I say do what makes you comfortable. And wear lots of sun block. Welcome and hope your recovery is going well.

I am conscious about my scar and bought a neclace to hide it when I wear my low cuts; Now, after five months, I do wear my V-neck and low cuts at home...which I did not do before; so I think and I hope I shall be less conscious with time.
I had my second OHS 9 weeks ago and was down at the beach last weekend with a very low cut tankini top. I made sure the part of my scar showing was adequately protected with sunscreen, but it honestly doesn't worry me. In fact I was quite disappointed no-one really looked at all! Talk about damage a girl's ego... sure they might not have noticed the scar straight away, but they should have been looking anyway!!! :D :D

In my experience, most people are too self-involved (worrying about their own perceived problems) to notice other people's scars... and when they do, what a great opportunity to educate them about your heart condition. Sometimes you get to meed someone else with a scar too and then it's lovely to know you're kindred spirits. It's amazing the friends you make that you might otherwise never have known.

And in the meantime - CONGRATULATIONS and welcome to the forum!! :D

A : )
hide it? you kidding? girls love scars!!! i gots a 7-1/2" chick magnet!!

this is even better than "see my etchings!!"
Hey, if you've got it, flaunt it! Great conversation starter too - I've noticed similar scars on other people & started talking with them about it. You know how some people love to talk about their operations...
I just posted a similar thread as I am pretty vain and often wear v-necks. Great advice from others. But here is the advice I got from my sister-in-law who is a dermatologist:

The best treatment for the scar initially will be silicone sheets. These are adhesive sheets that you wear over the scar almost 24 hours a day. You can start them as soon as the sutures/staples are removed and you wear them for a minimum of 3 months.
Laser is more helpful for the redness but time alone will diminish the color and I don't think the laser is as effective as people were hoping.

Also, if you have the surgery this spring, we need to make sure to really protect the scar from the sun. We should get you a sun protective swim shirt if you are planning to relax by the pool, etc.

Hope this helps.