What should I expect from pre- op?

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just call and ask. You need to know how to plan your day and the next day, and even whether someone needs to come with you. Pre-op means different things in different hospitals.

Best wishes,

Thanks Debby,Wayne and Dyna. That helps me more than you think. I worry to no end about all this. You all have made me feel better about all of this. Thank you
I didn't mean to sound so gruff. You should have been told what to expect at preop. My preop had a big session informing me what to expect the day of surgery and following. If part of your worrying is just not knowing what you have to do or will be done to you next, please find out during the preop interviews or from your surgeon's office. This is a big thing to go through, and you don't need to feel like you're wandering around alone without a signpost.
I visited the ICU the evening before my surgery, it was empty at the time so I was not causing any problems by being shown the room, I was also shown where my daughter could wait whilst I was in surgery. Apart from that it was a case of x-ray, blood, urine, seeing surgeon and anaesthetist plus the admitting doctor. Then it was a very nice dinner in my room which had a floral arrangement from the hospital. On the day of my surgery I showered with a bacterial soap. They performed the TOE (TEE for most of you) when I was on the table, they then decided whether to do one or two valves - and went for two.

The hospital that I used is very small, less than 100 beds.
I had the normal battery of tests (blood work, heat cath, etc...) all of it was no biggy. The only thing that bothered me was the video and when I met with anestegiologist. Prior to surgery I had never had ANY surgical procedures so the whole visual of the procedure and discussing the specifics un-nerved me a bit. I took a Xanax that afternoon which helped my nerves. And the day of the surgery I was ready, no nerves, just wanted to get through it.
Thanks Scott,Sue and Debby! You didn't sound gruff Debby. You are right. I am calling the Surgeon to find out more. Thanks
Thanks Debby! I just called my surgeon and I am having bloodwork, chest xray and going over surgery stuff. I don't need another Heart cath. Thanks for your help!

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