My poor, poor doctor

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Well-known member
Jan 6, 2006
Jersey, Channel Islands (British Isles)
The other day I went for my three monthly check with my GP to collect prescriptions and to be generally checked over. Whilst I was there I asked for the results of the CT colonography I had a while back and hadn't bothered to phone about. As suspected there was nothing nasty in my colon, just some diverticulitis which is not causing trouble.

Then the doctor looked a bit disconcerted, then told me that I have another kidney stone in my left kidney, which is where I had them before and which were the cause of all my health troubles. The poor man was almost scared to tell me. This one is only 5mm compared with 1cm by 2cms for the other one.

I cannot say I am looking forward to passing it but hope that I do as I really don't fancy surgical intervention and there is no way on this earth you will get me having lithotripsy again.
It seems like there are herbs for prevention and the dissolving of
small stones. Some of them are Goldenrod, Gravelroot, Hydrangea,
and Marshmallow for soothing and easing passage. They all work in
different ways and people usually use a mixture. Just check with an
herb specialist,an online site, or look it up in a 'Herbal PDR' to see whats
best for you specifically. Herbs,for me, are just like some drugs..some
work/some don't.I have had enough positive results that I have become
an advocate though:)
Sue wrote: "there is no way on this earth you will get me having lithotripsy again."

Uh, that line captured my attention.

Would you care to tell us just WHY you would not care to repeat the lithotripsy procedure again? (and how your procedure was performed as I understand there different techniques available)...

I think I would almost rather have another Heart Surgery than experience another Kidney Stone (like the one I had many years ago)! Women tell me it is worse than child birth. I can believe it!

'AL Capshaw'
Sue wrote: "there is no way on this earth you will get me having lithotripsy again."

Uh, that line captured my attention.

Would you care to tell us just WHY you would not care to repeat the lithotripsy procedure again? (and how your procedure was performed as I understand there different techniques available)...

I think I would almost rather have another Heart Surgery than experience another Kidney Stone (like the one I had many years ago)! Women tell me it is worse than child birth. I can believe it!

'AL Capshaw'

Quite simply that it was the cause of my endocarditis in a previously healthy heart.

I had three sessions of lithotripsy and although my stone was broken into smaller stones I was still going to have to have further intervention other than lithotripsy to crush and remove the remaining 4.5mm and 7.5mm stones. Then I discovered that the second session when I had bled a lot had actually caused endocarditis although I didn't discover this for some months. I became very ill about 11 days after that session which we now know was the beginning of endocarditis.

I cannot say that I look forward to passing it, definitely not fun. :) I have in the past passed two stones plus masses of 'gravel'. Neither time did I know what the pain was, the second time my family insisted on taking me to a doctor as they could see how much pain I was having. I had woken at about 3am and then it came in waves. I was due to catch a plane to England at 7am and wonder what the man in the seat next to me thought, I was unsure whether to hold my breath or to 'pant' in the way I was taught when pregnant. :) The doctor diagnosed renal colic and gave me some painkiller suppositories and told me to see my GP when I got home. By the time I saw him I had passed the stone which was causing trouble, that is when I got sent for scans and found out that I had a whopper.

I hope that it will pass naturally as intervention will presumably put me in hospital for a while as my INR range is 3.0 to 4.0. My GP said that at the moment he won't refer me to the urologist as it isn't causing trouble, just niggling discomfort and perfectly bearable. I can live with that. :)

Talk about being between a Rock and a Hard Place...

I *assume* you have been told to drink Lots of Water.

We have lots of minerals in our water and the ER Doc told me he had never seen so many cases of Kidney Stones before he moved here.

Ever since mine, I use a pitcher with a (Brita) Filter to 'clean up' my drinking / cooking water. NO MORE Kidney Stones.

Hope you are able to pass yours without further damage to your heart.

'AL Capshaw'
The very strange thing was that just prior to my OHS I had the two stones then when I went for a CT scan a few months after in order to see about having them crushed they had gone! Two weeks after my OHS I had an ultrasound done and they couldn't see any stones then but put it down to not really looking for them. The doctor at the time said "Well they wouldn't have gone anywhere".

Now I do not advocate having a couple of valves replaced in order to get rid of kidney stones but no one knows where they went.

My stones tend to be uric acid. Yes, I have been told to drink a minimum of three litres each day.
Sue, 15 years ago a friend of mine gave me a homeotheray which my brother in law used and passed out his stone. I shall contact my sister tomorrow and I hope she or her husband remembers it. I only remember the 1/2 teaspoon olive oil every half an hour for one whole day, but not the rest! .