Just need to vent

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Well-known member
Dec 4, 2007
North Carolina
I'm just getting soooo tired of all of these rhythm problems that I could just scream! We now know from my last Holter that they are pac's and atrial tachycardias. I know that with Ebstein's, atrial rhythm issues are always a problem and I've had them off and on for most of my life. But this is getting ridiculous. It goes on for hours and hours, day after day.

I talked to my local cardio today (I know he is just thinking that I am never going to go away) and just came right out and asked him if he felt uncomfortable putting me on a different medication to try and stop them. He said yes...he just wouldn't do it. He asked when I was going to see his EP guy and I told him that he didn't have an appt. for 1 month...the scheduler then called me right back and I'm seeing him on Monday now. He told me to stop the beta blocker, it obviously isn't working and it may affect what ever other medication they may want to try next week. He also wanted to know if I had heard from "the lady up north"...LOL...that is my cardiologist at the Mayo clinic he is talking about. I know he just would love for them to take me off of his hands. Anyway, thanks for listening to me whine...I know
my husband is getting tired of it as am I.

Fingers crossed for me that this new guy on Monday has some answers or I hear back from the Mayo before then.

I hope you get some answers Kim. I know this is something that has been bothering you for awhile. Keep us posted about your appt. on Monday.
Hope they can help, keeping you in my prayers.
So sorry to hear your frustration Kim but it's understandable. Please don't feel like you're whinning --- because you're not!

I think after today, my cardio wants to get rid of me too --- but I'm NOT done yet! Tomorrow is another day!

Hang in there my friend & I pray you get some answers on Monday! Best of luck to you!:)
Stopping a Beta Blocker 'Cold Turkey' is usually NOT recommended as that can cause MORE arrhythmias. Your Cardiologist *should* know that!

Call your local Pharmacist and ask what the usual recommendation is for coming off whatever medication and dose you are taking.

FWIW, MY Cardiologist had me cut my Beta Blocker dose in half for 2 weeks, then do it again when he wanted to lower my dose.
Al, I'm not stopping cold turkey...he told me to cut in half for a week and then half again for a week. So, in reality, I won't be finished before I see this other Dr. on Monday obviously, but will be on my way.

Glad you have an appt. on Monday and just want to add my best wishes for an easy resolution.
Praying you get some answers Kim,i know this has been
very difficult on you and all the best Monday.......you are
in my thoughts and prayers...always

zipper2 (DEB)
I am so surprised to hear that cardios are annoyed with patients instead of trying to find answers for them. I'd like to see how they would "whine" if it was their heart we were talking about!

Good luck. I hope you get answers.
Hi Kay ~ I'm so sorry you've been having problems for so long and that your cardio isn't helping you. I hope you get some answers on Monday. Don't apologize for venting. I do too much of it here myself. It's just that nobody seems to understand our frustrations with the medical profession better than other people who have been through it themselves. Believe me, i've had so many idiot doctors over the years (back when i had bone cancer and now with the aortic stenosis), that i understand where you're coming from! I wish they would really listen to their patients and understand that we know when something is not right, even though we don't know sometimes what it is or how to fix it.

My best wishes and prayers are with you Kay. I hope someone is able to help you soon!

I just have to say, those people at the Mayo are really amazing. I had e-mailed my Dr. over a week ago to tell her that my holter was coming and I needed her help. I then found out my Dr. didn't send it until this past Friday. The Mayo called me today to ask where the heck my holter was, they still hadn't gotten it and she wanted to help me before Christmas. How often have any of you have a Dr. try and chase down things on your behalf? They asked me to have it faxed there so she could take care of it today! So, it is there now and I'm anxiously holding my breath waiting for the phone to ring. I already feel a sense of relief.

Kim...Im happy to see you are getting somewhere with this rhythm problem. Looking forward to hearing how things go for you. :cool:

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