Chronic pvc's anyone?

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Well-known member
Oct 10, 2002
I have been having pvc's in short runs. I know because of event monitor. results. Tonight I had a long run of PVC'S that lasted about 20 minutesCoughing hard and carotid massage finally put me back into normal rate and rhytham.I go back to the Doctor yhe 9th of this month. I just would like to be alive then. Myfirst instinct tonight was to panic I am not sure if the panic was from a lack of oxygen or just because my chest gets tight with the PVC'S and knowing there is a problem

PVC's are generally considered to be benign, BUT that doesn't mean that they aren't 'uncomfortable' and disconcerting.

I don't see a Beta Blocker (that I recognize) in your list of medications. Beta Blockers are usually effective in controlling PVC's, often in Small Doses which have minimal side effects compared with higher doses which can leave you feeling tired and run down.

I recommend that you call the on-call Cardiologist this morning and see if he would be willing to give you an Rx for a Beta Blocker to see if that would help. Be sure to bring it up in your upcoming Office Visit!

'AL Capshaw'
Letitta, there are several of us on here who have been having on-going issues with pvc's. My Dr. put me on a low dose of beta blocker a month ago and at first I thought it helped, but it was not to last. I just wore another 48 hr holter this week and my Dr. is getting me in to see his EP guy this coming week. I don't care that they are benign, although my Dr. said they are considered benign in people who have normal hearts, not necessarily so in people who have underlying heart issues, they are beyond annoying. I'm not a fan of taking medication, but at this point, I'm willing to take anything to get them to stop. I hope you have better luck than I have at this point stopping them. If you find something that works for you, let us know.

If you have a long run like that again, don't hesitate to go the the hospital if you feel very uncomfortable.

Lately, mine has just been skipping and beating about a few times fast then goes back. It has been two years with no problems. It is better today, I just read that it is very normal for us that have had valve replacements to have irregular heartbeats, I guess that is suppose to make me feel better! My EKG are always abnormal, per my doctor! Oh well, would not want to be normal anyway, whatever normal is! All I know if it last more than one hour you are suppose to go to the ER! that is with a fast heart rate! Causes stroke or cardiac arrest!
I've been dealing with PVCs since my teens, but never took any medication (beta blockers) until ten years ago. I had mitral valve repair almost 2 1/2 years ago, and only in the past few months have my PVCs gotten worse. My cardio and electrophysiologist (cardio who specializes in heart rhythm abnormalities) have tried about 4 different meds to get the PVCs under control. I'm now on a low dose of Toprol which isn't helping very much, nd I am scheduled for an electrophysiology study Dec. 22.

PVCs are generally benign, but if your heart rate is causing you distress, you should go to the doctor/ER immediately.

Beta blockers may help you, and if not, maybe a consult with an electrophysiologist is in order.

Debi (debster913)
I ahve been having multiple PVC's for the last 34 years-since I was pregnant with my second child. They are no longer treated as they used to be years ago. Both my E-P and Cardiologist have dismissed them as not a major cardiac issue. As a nurse I also try to reassure patients with PVC's. They can be uncomfortable but I would continue to talk with your doctor until you feel more comfortable living with them. Some docs will tell you to limit caffeine and stay away from certain types of medications which can make the arrythmia worse.
Don't think they will cause you any problem greater than some discomfort which you should eventually learn to live with. Try to figure out if anything you eat or drink makes them worse and then avoid those things.

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