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Well-known member
Feb 17, 2002
Imlay City, Michigan
Are there many VRcom members who also have facebook pages? Is there any advantage is linking up there as well as here? I just found a few small groups under valve replacement or coumadin usage there. Just curious.
Are there many VRcom members who also have facebook pages? Is there any advantage is linking up there as well as here? I just found a few small groups under valve replacement or coumadin usage there. Just curious.

I've got an account but no page set up. I might check out the valve replacement group now that you've mentioned it.
Oh my, haven't been on facebook for a couple of years. Looked at 2 of the groups Jim mentioned. Lots of misunderstanding about warfarin... some of the folks could certainly benefit from the wealth of information found here.

Will it enhance my abilities to flirt with desirable women?
Oh, I should think so!!! Actually, I think a warm invitation from you to have them visit here would be very helpful. You do good work here.
And here I thought facebook was just for teenagers, like myspace. My kids both have accounts, but I guess I don't quite understand how it works.

Ross, just don't flirt with my daughter and you might live to face another day!
And here I thought facebook was just for teenagers, like myspace. My kids both have accounts, but I guess I don't quite understand how it works.

Ross, just don't flirt with my daughter and you might live to face another day!

Well if I can't flirt with your daughter, how about I flirt with you?
Ok call me technology challenged, What is face book?

Oh gees...what hope do soccer mums like me have if you dont know about facebook and are feeling a bit challenged Ross?!:eek:...maybe its because you dont have teenagers living at home anymore ;)..

I went looking for facebook once and couldnt get very far because I dont have an account and I didnt want to sign up for another internet addiction...
Will it enhance my abilities to flirt with desirable women?

Not on Facebook! You need MySpace for that!

Facebook is a way to keep up with people you actually know. And you have to really be interested in those people because you get messages whenever they do any little thing. It's fun if all your friends are on it, and stupid if they're not.

MySpace is a way to express your creative side! It's a good place to be anonymous, or have an alter-ego. Or just be yourself and invite your friends to join.

There are TONS of adults on both Facebook and MySpace. There are also lots of families -- moms and kids are each others' friends on both systems.
Facebook...It's fun if all your friends are on it, and stupid if they're not.

That's a perfect description of Facebook!

Most of what I've accomplished on Facebook is viewing grandkids' pictures and friend's grandkid pictures. However, I haven't provided much for anyone else to see, yet.
Not on Facebook! You need MySpace for that!

Facebook is a way to keep up with people you actually know. And you have to really be interested in those people because you get messages whenever they do any little thing. It's fun if all your friends are on it, and stupid if they're not.

MySpace is a way to express your creative side! It's a good place to be anonymous, or have an alter-ego. Or just be yourself and invite your friends to join.

There are TONS of adults on both Facebook and MySpace. There are also lots of families -- moms and kids are each others' friends on both systems.

That is an excellent description. Facebook is a good way to keep up with family, and also friends who share business, recreational, or (pardon the word) political interests. I wouldn't talk much if at all about heart valve issues there. Vr.com is tops for that. I see there are a few heart-valve sub-groups on Facebook but they are very small and don't seem to be very active.
I have a Facebook and Myspace account, we should be to put them in our signatures for now. What is the group name again on facebook?

My email is [email protected] to add me as a friend!
I joined:
Open Heart Surgery
Heart Surgery Veterans
I Have a Mechanical Heart Valve!!!
Coumadin Club
Valve Replacement Friends Group
As for not being very active, they probably aren't; they haven't thrown me off any of them yet.
I just joined Facebook a week or so ago. I've found people I haven't thought of in years! And now suddenly EVERYONE knows about my surgery and the twins. It's like a technological grapevine! ;)