Ablation for PVCs?

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Well-known member
Mar 31, 2005
Hi, all--
Didn't get much response to my earlier thread, but has anyone here had an ablation for PVCs? I have had an electrophysiology study to find the source of my V-Tach, but now my cardio is sending me to an EP doc for another consult on ablating PVCs. Can this be done?

Will post and respond later--need to get ready for school. Yay Friday!!! :D

Debi (debster913)
Hey Debi,
I cannot say for sure. My son had an ablation done but he was diagnosed with WPW (Wolfe Parkinson White Syndrome) The ablation didn't do much since his extra pathway in the back of his heart, but has been on Atentnol since and it seemed to help. Hope this wasn't all useless info for you.:confused:

My EP discussed this with me when I went to see him about my SVTs, I also have ventricular bigeminy, where every other beat is a PVC, this is off and on, usually lasts a minute or so (or more) at a time, and it is symptomatic. he said that when he does the SVT ablation he'll see if he can find where that's coming from, and try to get that while he's in there. we'll see when this ends up happening, so far my SVT is being controlled by diltiazem, although its not touching the bigeminy (maybe it is, and I just notice it more because I am not worried about the SVT), so I am holding off (or trying to) at least till I can have a few days to recover because school is so nuts lately (let the sleeping dog lie, LOL)

he said that he's pretty sure he'd be able to get this, sometimes he has to take patients back to the lab without sedation because the sedation drugs are antiarrhythmic, but he thinks he'd be able to nail mine down and get it.

so, as far as I know its possible, and fairly common(ish)

hope this helps, and if I have mine any time soon, I'll let you know how it goes
I know a guy that had something like 20,000 a day... the ablation did the trick. He had no clue he was having the PVC's. I think the way he found out was a pre-surgical screening for some minor procedure. They wouldn't go through with the surgery when they saw his EKG, so they referred him to an EP.

If I get maybe three a day, I start feeling like seeing an EP. :) That's not even close to reasonable though. It's very hard for me to trust that they're benign - even though everything I've read says they usually are.

I'm curious, what was the result of the study? Did they actually insert the catheter and all that good stuff? Were they able to recreate the ventricular tachycardia or just pvc's?
This is an old thread but I would like to know.

Actually, Michelle, to answer your question: I did have a successful ablation for PVCs and slow-sustained V-Taach that December (2008). I still have PVCs, but they are VERY minimal compared to what I'd had pre-ablation.
Hi Deb,
Since this old thread has resurfaced, I have a friend on an ICD and pacemaker? who suffers from V-Tach who has recently seen a Stanford EP and is scheduled for an ablation soon in hopes of reducing the occurrence or frequency of his events. Apparently abalation for his form of Z-tach is new and uncommon. Can you identify or PM me with the hospital and EP that did yours?

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